The h2g2 Summer Party 2002

31 Conversations

A street festival

Twice a year h2g2 throws a big party in London to which all Researchers are invited. The next party is going to be held on Saturday 20 July, 2002. We always hold an afternoon daytime event that younger Researchers can attend, and then move on to the drinking establishment in the evening.

Where is the Party Going to be Held?

The party will consist of an afternoon activity and an evening mingle. In the afternoon we will be playing softball and footie in Hyde Park. If you don't feel like being energetic, then come along and laze around on the grass! Either way, we suggest you bring a picnic and something to drink as you will need the energy.

In the evening we will be roistering at the Leicester Arms, a lovely pub1 near Piccadilly Circus. There will be the traditional pub quiz and a few other treats!

Remember to make yourself a name badge so everyone knows who you are! The best ones will be awarded a prize!

What Time Does it Start?

If you want to come and play softball in the park, then meet us at the Band Stand near Hyde Park Corner at 2pm.

The evening do will be kicking off at 7pm and will be taking place in the function room on the first floor of the pub. The Leicester Arms can be found on the corner of Warwick and Glasshouse Street

But What if it Rains?

Hurrah for British weather! Making sure the best laid plans of mice and the members of the Editorial team go completely tits up! Well don't panic, because we have an alternative plan. If it is raining on Saturday then come and join the Editors for a quick visit to the museums at South Kensington. Bring your umbrellas and meet at the Band Stand and then we will head off to South Ken. You will be able to take you pick from the Victoria & Albert Museum, the Natural History Museum and the Science Museum. It is an easy trip down the Piccadilly Line to the museums and back up it to the pub.

How do I Get Invited?

You need to sign-up to let us know that you intend to come. If you want to come to the party please let us know by posting in the RSVP Forum. Find out who will be there at the RSVP List.

Is there anything else I need to know?

If you haven't attended a meet-up before or even if you have been to every single one, we have collected a few guidelines together to make sure we all have a safe and happy time.

What's this I hear about Name Badges?

You're thinking of our Name Badge Competition. It's the best thing since sliced bread, so make sure you join in the fun.

1Please remember that Researchers between the ages of 14 and 17 may attend the pub venue, if accompanied by an adult. It's illegal for under 18s to drink alcohol, so all young Researchers between the ages of 14-17 must stick to soft drinks. If any one is found drinking alcohol, they will be asked to leave.

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