Guidelines for Attending an Internet Party
Created | Updated Nov 16, 2004

If it's the first time you've met people from the internet, or whether you are a seasoned h2g2 event attendee, here are some suggestions to make your evening as enjoyable, and as safe, as possible.
General Advice:
If you are coming alone, tell someone exactly where you are going, who you are meeting and what time you expect to get back.
Bring a friend or family member if you are under eighteen, or at all worried about travelling or attending on your own. We'll make them feel welcome even if they aren't a member of h2g2!
Make sure that you find out when your last train home leaves, know how long it takes to get to the station and leave in plenty of time to catch it.
If you think travelling home might be difficult, arrange some accommodation in advance. Don't come along hoping someone will 'put you up' at the last minute, it's not guaranteed to work, it's not a safe thing to do and it's not fair to expect others to take the risk of taking a stranger like you home with them.
Make sure that you know the route to the meet-up points. Either print out a map in advance, or bring along the addresses and a copy of the A-Z street guide of the town you are visiting.
Eat! If it is going to be a long day, make sure you have a hearty breakfast or something to eat before you meet up with the rest of the attendees. Take a sandwich or enough money to buy yourself lunch too, especially if you're going to be drinking in the evening.
Don't drink alcohol if you are under the age of 18. If you are underage and try to buy alcohol, or ask someone else to buy alcohol for you, you will be asked to leave the party.