The h2g2 Fantasy Film League

19 Conversations

A poster of a film entitled 'Attack of the Killer Dummies'.

A Fantasy Film League? Wassat?

Well, it's kinda like a fantasy football league. Unfortunately, I hate football. But I do like films1. And it's a very similar idea - pick a director, and six stars, name your film, and you're off!

Sounds ace. So, how do I get started?

First off, you need to head over to the Fantasy Film League website and register. Here you can choose your actors and director, and there are also a few articles and reviews. To help you choose, you may want to have a quick look at the Internet Movie Database, or the BBC Film website. Off you go then.

Right, I'm back - what now?

Chosen your film? And the title? Good. Now go to your studio page and click on join a little league. The league number is '301', and the password is 'hootoo'. Now, don't complain about the title of the league - I can't change it. And I know it sucks. Oh, and if you could post the name of your film and the hapless stars involved, I'd be grateful.

How can I tell if I'm winning?

Well, play doesn't begin until 1st April 2002. Once things are up and running, I'll update as often as I can.

Seasons in progress:

So, who has signed up so far?

Currently, our Fantasy Film Leaguers are:

1Well, some of them, anyway.2Despite helping run the official FFL, Mr Estall claims that he is not at an advantage. We'll see...

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