An Official Invite to the Sense of Place Virtual Launch Parties!

2 Conversations

You've been invited to a virtual launch party!

This weekend the first of the A Sense of Place radio programmes are going to be broadcast on BBC London 94.9. They're going to be on the air every Sunday from 28 April 2002, at 12 noon. To find out more about the theme for each of the programmes by region, check out these pages; London; Northern Ireland; Devon; Lancashire.

The London Editors are throwing a real-time launch party in the disused Aldwych tube station (Mark and I have been invited so we'll tell you what it was like on Thursday!. Now all the SoP Editors have decided to extend the party over into their Communities, so they're all holding virtual launch parties too!

So come over and join in tomorrow night, that's Wednesday, April 24 from 7pm and help us celebrate!

The Venues

The Devon Launch Party with guest BBC News Presenter, Justin Leigh
The London Launch Party on their London Double-decker bus
The Lancashire Launch Party at The Bird in Th'Hand will be throbbing with the sounds of the county's up and coming musical talent
The Northern Ireland Launch Party in 'The Quare Geg' - Northern Ireland Sense of Place's hostelry

We're hoping to be able to get online from the tube station party (I know, it's weird, the station's been closed for years!) so we'll see you there! The London and the Lancashire parties are both going to have music from unsigned bands. Oh and there will of course be lots of smiley - bubbly and smiley - stiffdrink and smiley - ale!

smiley - cheers

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