The H2G2 David Dickinson Club

15 Conversations

Making a sculpture

He-llo fellow Dickinson fans! I am setting up this page as a homage to that "doyen of daytime" Mr David Dickinson - the real life Lovejoy.

Anyone who wishes to (cheap as) chip in any comments or factoids on this antique Chippendale, feel free to do so.

A glance at a masterpiece - A beginners guide to Dickinson:

Q: What period is this item from?

A: Around 60 years ago

Q: Where would one find this item?

A: When not at home in Cheshire, the best place to look would be either on BBC one or on UK Style

Q: What are the qualities to look for when searching for this item?

A: Number one, I would have to say patination, that colour would have to be built up from years and years of tender loving care. Number two, you' re looking for unmistakable style (thats panache - not an illusion to the TV channel) and Number three - the sound. Much the same as pinging a bowl to listen for a ring that lets you know its unbroken, a Dickinson has a distinctive sound, most easily noticed in words such as Slot (pronounced SHLOT), or the most common Ladies (pronounced LAYDIESH); now that you' ve identified the item, I' m sure you will have many years of pleasure from it.

Anyone with any thoughts on this page, or shuggestions on bits they would like to include, please fire away. Finally, I would heartily recommend anyone interested to visit the BBC's Bargain Hunt page, and don't forget - "don't miss it for a bid"!


Bargain Hunt goes prime time on the 22nd of August 2002, not forgetting the new series of daytime shows!

Also, David will be on a Channel 4 show 'My First TV' some time soon...and word is that he will be on Dom Joly's show in Autumn '02.

Don't miss it for a bid! smiley -

Poetry Corner is here at last! If you'd like to contribute your scribblings to this fine club, please feel free to post a thread here.

Members of this fine club (the Bargain Hunters)


Related Links:

Poetry Corner
Daytime Television
BBC Bargain Hunt page

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