The Old Marmite Poll

1 Conversation


*Bangs Gavel* SOLD! To Egon.

noooooo! don't do it!!!!Love it or Hate it?

Personally I cannot stand the stuff - if a knife has the mereist smattering on it I cannot use the knife until it has been thoroughly decontaminated. Anyhow, this is the definitive survey (he says modestly smiley - winkeye). So please vote in the conversation below to see the general consensus.

See the official site entry on Marmite for more info but be warned this entry is highly misleading. It might actually lead you to believe that the stuff is nice smiley - yikes

Results so Far

Luuuuurve it!       HATE HATE HATE!
75       48

Marmite Lovers - *shrug*
  1. Clive the Flying Ostrich
  2. Caerwynn
  3. the autist formerly known as flinch
  4. Crescent
  5. Sho
  6. Cloviscat
  7. Afrael
  8. ChawkE
  9. Omnigosh
  10. Mistdancer
  11. Toccata
  12. Fluffy Warmthighs
  13. Windbreak
  14. Mr Pink Paisley
  15. Wazu
  16. Coelacanth
  17. EG Mel
  18. Rama
  19. plaguesville
  20. Granny Weatherwax
  21. Pu Dendal-Shrubbery
  22. Madent
  23. Abi
  24. Marijn
  25. deackie
  26. AlecTrician
  27. Azara
  28. Chris
  29. Sam
  30. Spirit
  31. Dharmesh
  32. Inkfish
  33. Big Mad Mr T
  34. Greydesk
  35. Comrade Rumble
  36. Mr Plato
  37. Wand'rin Star
  38. Argon0
  39. Pinniped
  40. Whisky
  41. HappyBunny
  42. Manic Bumble Bee
  43. SUPPERS READY 182587
  44. Sara1979
  45. Glutinous Maximus
  46. Zaphod Beeblebrox the 1st
  47. Websherpa
  48. St Emily Ultramarine
  49. the other Omylouse
  50. Demon Drawer
  51. Gedge
  52. S'pe;lug:x //
  53. Hermits Hat
  54. Lizzy
  55. Anwen
  56. Frankie Roberto
  57. Aunty Lindsay
  58. Ingisim
  59. bald bloke
  60. John Kelly
  61. compo
  62. jonnyara
  63. steev66
  64. Gradient
  65. Zagreb
  66. lazy rider
  67. vogonpoet
  68. Caelestis
  69. Strider
  70. Jerms
  71. Bassman
  72. Geoff Taylor
  73. VIP (Very Important Princess
  74. Master B.
  75. Inkwash
Marmite Haters - the cool people
  1. Orcus
  2. W****E
  3. 2Legs
  4. Gullibility Personified
  5. The Apathetic
  6. Andy - Devil's eggnog
  7. weakpun
  8. Hugo the Fish
  9. unremarkable1
  10. Phreako
  11. Tube
  12. Ardzil
  13. Archangel Galaxy Babe
  14. Bagpuss
  15. MaW
  16. Subcom. Deidzoeb
  17. Ottox
  18. BigRedBall
  19. Hobbes
  20. xxLUCILUxx
  21. Peta
  22. Mark Moxon
  23. Clelba
  24. Zarniroop
  25. DogManStar
  26. hollyhox
  27. Athena
  28. CeeBod
  29. jan.c1
  30. fatJazzer
  31. Nell
  33. fred smith
  34. Munchkin
  35. Researcher Mad
  36. Berek
  37. BigEric
  38. Researcher174318 - Zhora
  39. LyleOwenHyde
  40. aka
  41. Mong
  42. threesecondmemory
  43. Jon
  44. Tom
  45. Online_again
  46. Queex Quimwrangler
  47. Sergeant Mushroom
  48. Uncle Heavy
1Although he's never tried it. A wise decision.
1Although he's never tried it. A wise decision.

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