The good ship Argo and all his ARGON0s
Our Second Son Tom was born on 15th August 2008 at 09:21(?) weighing in at 8lbs. Unlike his brother he has yet to get an H2G2 id...
ENORMOUS NEWS!!! My GF gave birth to our first son on 8th July 2005 at 17:26 weighing in at 7lb 11oz. We called him Ben. His H2G2 id is BenKOR
My latest Entry is on SuDoKu A5178828 , including H2G2's first "Handmade" puzzle A5185280...
EVEN BIGGER NEWS!!! My GF is expecting our first Baby, due on July 7th this year!!!! Brilliant!! First Scan was something to really make us think - and excite us even more!!! WOW!!! Maybe I'll put a photo up on Argon0 Home.....
BIG NEWS...... Visit my New Website... Argon0 Home, which includes all sorts of FASCINATING information about me... Or not, as the case may be...
Oh sh*t, it looks like Buster, is going to die.... He suddenly got all lethargic over the weekend, and Sarah took him into the Vets yesterday, he's been there since, and I've not seen him :-(... He's got a large "Tumour" and they don't know yet if they will be able to operate... He hasn't eaten for a few days now... I'm going to see him this afternoon... Just hope he can perk up a bit... See Journal for continuing story/more details.
Also just registered another NEW domain... think I'll stick 42isms in progress up there...
This is definitely worth a check out - make sure your Sound is turned on for it though : Laugh?
Morph, My Family Cat, died yesterday 18th September 2001, almost 15 Years after he was born..... We will all miss his little face, with its Big Eyes, and his purry nature.... Rest In Peace Morph...
Visit my NEW website: (

Keeper of Calculations and 42isms in particular. Goto the Myth of 42 for more info: (this next "graphic" should work as a Link, thanks go to HappyDude for the idea, and the source for the Graphic, which I plagiarised

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(Extra Thanks to E G Mel who actually worked out how to get it to work properly!!!

Click here to find out who's online, 2nd thoughts, don't - they've changed where the Code is! Click over there «-- instead (or in alabaster up ^ there instead.
I'm just about to start my first H2G2 Project: OK restart the Project (DAY 2 B2CH2G2)Ski Resorts(may rename to THE H2G2 SKI GUIDE (comments?). As you can see I've done a fair amount of work already. I'm looking for contributors with personal experiences of resorts to add to the guide, instead of nicking them from Complete-Skier. So any contributions welcome.
Also a member of the Collaborative entity H2G2Mice
I'm a major fan of all branches of SF and Fantasy - but I'm NOT a con goer. Not that there is anything wrong with Cons, I just never got around to it + I'm not a great fan of dancing in a long line!
Currently live in Hope - due to an obvious spelling mistake.I think its all my parents fault - giving me the initials ARGO and then letting me read.... I was bound to discover the Greek and Roman Sagas - which led me to Jason and the Argonauts -which got me hooked on stuff like that.
Which, by a circuitous chain of logic, is why I'm stuck down in a basement managing IT and stuff... (OK so now I'm stuck up in the Attic.... (Day 2 B2CH2G2)
My favourite branches of SF have to be the Humourous and the Hard. My favourite Authors - DNA (of course), Terry Pratchett, David Brin, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Raymond E. Feist, Larry Niven ... (this list could go on for a Looong time...).
Must add another Author I've just discovered - Peter F. Hamilton - don't be put off by the size of his books!I've been a big fan of DNA since I picked up the Hitch-hikers guide from the school book stall, my favourite version HAS to be the Radio Version, which I'm trying to get on Mini-Disc at the mo - but I guess CD would do. (It does)
I actually had a short story based on Marvin published in the Uni Rag once. If I ever find it I'll try and post it here. (Haven't found it yet!)
Enough I hear you cry - if you've even read this far - this is only a 1st (now 2nd) draft and I'll hopefully be back to change it regularly (hopefully more regularly than DNA has been writing recently). Argon0 (18/02/2000)
Day 1 B2CH2G2 - god that was hard work to set up my new intro!!! Had to relearn GuideML in a real hurry as it was previously in HTML!!!!! Still Relearing - just worked out how to use the LINK code properly!!!!
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Hi Argon! | Apr 15, 2013 |
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Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)
Researcher U77080
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."