Newcomers 2h2g2 posted 17 October 2000

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Here is a list of Newcomers to h2g2 who only recently started living.

To help vist newcomers without covering the same area over and over - You will notice the list has been divided into headings of 10 newbies per heading. To choose the newcomers you wish to visit, please log into to forum below to see which headings are free. Place your choice of heading into the forum so others can see it has been allocated.

Please select your headings - starting from the top of the page and work down - This will make it easier to see which is the next heading that is free.Thank you

Happy Posting


1) Newcomers 1 to 10

155829 Elastic Tango

155846 Captain Kebab

155857 Drabromeo

155858 Frizzlepopinfresh

155864 Sir Enix The Confuser

155876 QOADAD

155879 Declan

155903 Space Chief

155907 lulu

157144 timjoe

2) Newcomers 11 to 20

155910 Dtrain Down Under

155913 TwoTravelers

155915Montana Redhead (aka the Redheaded Goddess of the West)

155916 tie dye

155917 Researcher 155917

155919 Researcher 155919

155925 AngelWings the obsessions girl

155926 Jackleg

155930 Researcher 155930

155933 Minor Defect

3) Newcomers 21 to 30

155950 Researcher 155950

155952 Researcher 155952

155953 Romeo

155972 Researcher 155972

155983 Researcher 155983

155996 Ollie

157129 Svlad

156007 Den of earth

156014 drjules

156015 celestial duck-child

4) Newcomers 31 to 40

156070 BIGstan

156073 The lesser known telephone directory of Southern Lebannon

156076 Dragon Eye (aka Auntirrhinum)

156080 amosmahoney


156081 bluetorchlite

156087 TBA

156020 Pinkish

156025 Battlecrie

156034 Monty Holgi

5) Newcomers 41 to 50

156099 krimson skye

156100 Brahman

156101 princess_340

156104 Kristen

156108 Researcher 156108

156109 Researcher 156109

156113 Researcher 156113

156115 Researcher 156115

156119 Rabbit

156131 Not telling!

6) Newcomers 51 to 60

156132 Satan

156137 djdust

156138 Researcher 156138

156141 BUFF

156146 Bored programmer

156149 Researcher 156149

156152 Sonic Ninja

156156 Dr Bob

156157 Stojg

156164 Major Domo

7) Newcomers 61 to 70

156167 jobe

156168 Divine Dante

156176 Ron the Bounder

156183 chris wiggins

156186 mnemesis

156188 Death

156189 Albion

156190 Neurosurf

156194 Bubbles McFuzzyButt

157118 Kangus

8) Newcomers 81 to 90

156205 Researcher 156205

156213 Jeeno of the North

156218 Iallla

156220 Researcher 156220 and a half

156223 Researcher 156223

156229 Barold Laforge

156232 goodfella

156233 Gaerma

156252 Researcher 156252

156256 Researcher 156256

9) Newcomers 91 to 100

156257Researcher 156257

156260Romans 9

156263 Rassilon 007

156266 Vexx

156268 Zec

156269 Researcher 156269 Merrill, P. A.

156275 Researcher 156282

156285 Sad, mad or bad?

156291 Friendly Alcoholic

157105 frankenbean

10) Newcomers 101 to 110

156299 ian0

156305 f·l·e·x

156307 Glider

156321 Researcher 156321

156329 Doc Coleman

156331 Researcher 156331

156333 Jenie-ellen

156342 Trillian

156349 Warmtea

156358 Murifri-L-Viv-Adrpht-Oiad

11) Newcomers 111 to 120

156362 anne girl

156365 Dirk Gently

156377 Secret Agent (Pantomime horse is a)

156378 lumonicat

156380 loki

156382 Leesha

156390 Brahm Danger

156396 DSPguy

156397 Huples Cat

156400 Researcher 156400

12) Newcomers 121 to 130

156414 Ballbur Niframi

156419 Adr4200

156420 Paz the Perpetually Puzzled

156423 the_lotek

156434 Suzerain Briquce, Keeper of the Sacred flame of Bic.

156443 Researcher 156443

156458 156458 Uncle Hamster

156459 BE-diversity

156460 Birdie and Honey

157099 eccentrica

13) Newcomers 131 to 140

156468 Researcher 156468

156476 Researcher 156476


156482 Captin Ouver

156500 joTakk

156505 Remy

156511 Nock

156518 Ranek the Techpriest

156523 Guy Blue

156544 imdamian

14) Newcomers 141 to 150

156548 billeykid

156559 Aekatarina

156569 Wonko-the-Sane

156575 Joe the moose

156576 Spab

156578 Giguschild (A Xenomorph. In a suit

156580 H0mer

156590 Deni

156596 Lewis D

156597 Looseliver, VanDetter & Prang

15) Newcomers 151 to 160

156600 steve

156602 Researcher 156602

156613 Le Joli Homme

156615 Uny The Coffee Drinker

156617 Zing

156624 gaarge the great

156629 Slayer

156641 Daydreambeliever

156651 Researcher 156651

156654 xyzygote

16) Newcomers 161 to 170

156659 Subzero

156670 Researcher 156670

156673 Behemoth

156676 Phil

156687 nye

156696 BeerMatt

156702 tom

156706 spebchob

156707 bagpuss

156708 ScooterCat

17) Newcomers 171 to 180

156712 Homage

156715 Researcher 156715

156735 Slartibartfast2

156737 halo nine

156740 Beltiber the mildly perplexed

156742 Researcher 156742

156753 Fixer Dogrobber

156754 Researcher 156754

156758 Burning love.

156767 Lord Tharak

18) Newcomers 181 to 190

156768 andy the ironman

156769 Researcher 156769

U156779 Aragorn II

156804 Flegg Minkle

156809 Martin

156812 I need help

156818 The Grin

156824 svet

156825 Rabbitz

156834 BrendaBones

19) Newcomers 191 to 200

U156836 Researcher 156836

156855 general chico gonzales the mexican revolutionary

156868 Dr.John

156876 mesu-megami

156878 Zemaj

156880 bungly

156889 Curiosity killed the Cat

156892 Spinoff

156897 earths glow

156899 FordPrefect

20) Newcomers 201 to 210

156906 Researcher 156906

156909 HighTekVagabond

156913 teko

156923 Researcher 156923

156927 Warrior

156931 fuzjon

156934 Lurvum Finwip

156936 Researcher 156936

156950 Nobob

156954 Blackfrog

21) Newcomers 211 to 220

156957 jon

156961 jecook

156962 DonJuan

156968 Unidude

156977 Researcher from Norway

156980 Monk381

156988 Wizard Club

156997 Shani

157007 Researcher 157007

157011 Capt.SeaBiscuit

22) Newcomers 221 to 230

157014 PeterParker

157055 mmi

157057 gavia

157058 Tish

157060 Researcher 157060

157061 Hubcap17

157070 Dragmar

157072 Marvin

157084 Researcher 157084

157085 Curator Chick

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