At last, a haven of sanity on the confusion that is the web. You don't know how dull it has been having as a home page, but then working in IT I suppose it kinda grew on me.

Right. Me then. I'm tall. The kind of tall that would make people say 'just look up' if asking for directions to me in a crowd. Though due to my rapidly reducing hair mass, looking up would probably result in partial blindness on the part of the searcher on a sunny day.

I'm into computers but not obsessively so. I can fix things, build things and program things in a fairly successful 'good enough to do it for a living' kind of way. Though there are times when I am incredibly bored with the whole damn thing and nurture a desire to go hunting for a simpler life - in Egypt, 4000 years ago - or to be really adventurous, Egypt 12,000 years ago, just to see if the Sphinx was really there. Now if I could just get my time machine to work...


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