A few words on risk.

The dictionary defines risk as a chance of harm or loss, or danger.
as in: "the surgery involved a risky procedure."
On Earth, the word risk has an entirely different meaning. The term loosely applies to what one would think it would, but in a much more casual and relaxed way. Examples I have found: "Rabbit, don't you think it's risky going ahead with **something** while Barbera is staying at the same hotel?" and... "The way you lit the gin on fire before you drank it certainly adds an element of risk to your version of the cucumber tonic--especially, Rabbit, since yours involves the mixing of the four main ingredients in the mouth rather than in a glass!"
As a matter of fact, the only time that the word 'risk' is ever heard spoken in a serious tone of voice would be when it involves a sum of money which will soon be lost on a bad idea.
So, fellow hitchhikers, when you hear that word being spoken by a ling from the planet Earth, please be advised: DO NOT IMMEDIATELY PULL OUT YOUR TOWEL! There will probably not be anything from the criminal planet Bala-Rulacc hovering above your head, so you will have plenty of time to assess the 'risk' and the context of the users message it was used in to determine wether there is or isn't any.
And on the off-chance that something from Bala-Rulacc is hovering above your head.....please refer to the cover of your guide, and yes, now would be a good time to pull out your towel.
Rabbit out.


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Shibumi Oct 26, 2000 Apr 8, 2002
Full moon Oct 13, 2000 No Replies
bad idea? Oct 12, 2000 No Replies


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