Wizard Encyclopædia

Welcome to the Wizard Encyclopædia, a reference guide on
all things magic. It also tries to explain the Muggle
world in a simple and straightforward way, making it
easier for wizards and witches to understand.

The Encyclopædia is compiled by members of Wizard Club.
Wizard Club is an age-old institution open to all
wizards and witches above the age of 11. As not many
of them depend on Muggle gadgetry such as computers,
the whole Encyclopædia has not yet been transferred
from ancient scrolls to cyberspace, but this work is
now in progress due to the efforts of a small group of
tecnologically inclined witches and wizards.


aardvark (noun) - favourite choice of animal when casting transforming spells on major suckers.


banshee (noun) - underworld jokers, mostly female, in the habit of scaring Muggles stiff by screaming outside their dwellings at night.


cauldron (noun) - pots for making potions in. Come in several sizes and metals. Essential wizard equipment.

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Oh my! Oct 18, 2000


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Wizard Club

Researcher U156988


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