Welcome to the Warrior's Place

Welcome! I have used the Latin/Greek meaning of my name because, well, it was easy! I do alot of international travel, both for business and pleasure; I'm always on the lookout for good travel tips. I have traveled to France, England, Germany, Netherlands, Romania, Bangladesh, India, Japan, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica (so far). I also enjoy staying connected, no matter where I am, and carry my PalmIIIx, Palm modem, and GSM phone everywhere (although GSM phones are of no benefit in Japan!).

Feel free to discuss travel and technology, whether coupled or not, I'll enjoy hearing from you!



Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Searching for a Border Collie Oct 21, 2000 No Replies
Tyranny of the urgent Oct 16, 2000 No Replies
Travel to India frm Houston (IAH) Oct 15, 2000 No Replies


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Researcher U156927


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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