This is the Message Centre for Warrior

Welcome to H2G2

Post 1


Hello Warrior, and welcome to H2G2. My name is Greebo T. Cat and me is an Assistant Community Editor or ACE, here at The Hitch Hiker's Guide. ACE's like to greet newcomers and make sure they have no problems, and if they have, try to sort them out. So if you do have any queries, about h2g2, then just tell me in a reply to this message, and me will sort it out for you, or... ~smile~... find someone who can.

If you would like to visit my homepage, then click on my name above this message... and whilst me is talking about links here are a few that might interest you.

NewComers Homepage - Meet other new researchers, a good place to start talking on h2g2.

The Guide to H2G2 clubs - Some of the run places that researchers have set up..

The World of H2G2 - Find out about things on h2g2.

ACE's Homepage - The Official Assistant Community Editor's homepage.

Another good link is the whose online link... this one will show you all the other researchers online at the moment. You will see yourself there, go on and have a look.

If you don't want to interact with other researchers at the moment, after all, h2g2 can be a little overwhelming when you first join... Why not try searching the guide... if you have a subject that you like, then search for it, and see if the guide has a entry on it... If it hasn't then maybe you might think about writing one, tis a nice feeling adding to the guide. ~grin~ If you would like to find out more about writing a guide entry, then read this...

Greebs.. xxx

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