Lumonics - a light and sound universe

I am part of a group of dedicated souls who have been associated with the Lumonics Light and Sound Theatre in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA. Hope you can stop by when in South Florida, about 45 minutes north of the area known as South Beach. At "An Evening at Lumonics," we take people on a trip through light and sound: electronic light sculptures, live projection, digital video art, lasers, and music. The intent is to relax and energize, and to stimulate creativity...a drugless high. We have a series of environments including a pyramid room, and "chill out" spaces. The adjoining Nitelight Gallery is a dance space where dj's spin trance music. Grab an herbal tonic and hit the floor. Hope to see you Saturday night. We open the doors at 9 p.m. and are open until 3 a.m. Say "h2g2" when you enter and see what happens. And introduce yourself to me, aka Lumonicat. Visit online at" >


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