4 Conversations


Hi, as you are reading this you will already know that there are two
groups meeting and greeting Newcomers to h2g2.

The Aces are the official team and the Guardian Angels are the
unofficial group of researchers dedicated to welcoming newbies.

I am proud that both teams come to this pages and work together to
ensure that no newcomer is missed by the normal net cast by both
groups and giving a hearty welcome to the Guide.

I agree with the opinion that both teams should greet the newcomer as
both have different things/links/ideas to offer.

For this reason I hvae created a
friendly competition between the two groups. The headings are not only
numbered from 1,2,3,4 upwards but a,b,c,d etc.

If you are a member of both groups, then you must choose which hat you are wearing for the particular heading you choose to visit.

The Aces should choose the headings they wish to check by the numbers
and the Angels by the letters. This way both teams can visit a
newcomers and give that personal greeting that is associated with
their friendly ways.

This will not be a race but just a friendly game between friends. To
help distinguish which group has made a posting, could all Aces now and in
the future, please, when making a new conversation please end the
Subject Heading of the new forum with a full point and Angels with three full
points and if you belong to both groups use two full points.


ACES Heading could be

Subject: Hi (name) welcome to h2g2.

ANGELS Heading could be

Subject: Hi (name) welcome to h2g2...

If in both it would be

Subject: Hi (name) welcome to h2g2..

Note the full stops! If this becomes standard then those of you in the
know will be able to see at a glance which group has made the posting without having to open the forum.
I will be advertising this fact on the aceforum would the Angels also
spread the word amongst themselves. Peta is
watching this idea and wishes it every success. You never know the
Towers may come up with a similar idea so the groups can be recognised
at a glance.

I will be putting up the latest list Tuesday 3rd. Oct. about 9am GMT.
Good luck to both teams and keep the banter friendly.

This weeks Newcomers Page is where it is all at - see you there,

all the best

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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