A Conversation for ACES v ANGELS

Thanks Vegiman

Post 1


This is a fun idea, I hope it goes really well. It would be great if we could highlight postings made by Aces and Guardian Angels in some way. I'll have a chat to the tech team and see if there's anything interesting we can do.. smiley - smiley

Thanks Vegiman

Post 2


This is a great idea, veg and the dots are ingenious, I estimate this will save me loads of time if people stick to it. I'm gearing up to go for it.smiley - smiley

Thanks Vegiman

Post 3

Newcomers 2h2g2

Thanks Peta and Androyd

By the look of it so far it will need some tweeking - but the basics are there. If we could have the ability to have Subject Headings in different colours for those posted by the teams - it would be great.
vegsmiley - smiley

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