
<FONT COLOR="#3366FF">Now you may ask:
"What is a <A HREF="http://www.altmuehlnet.de/~meier-s/eindex.htm" >http://www.altmuehlnet.de/~meier-s/eindex.htm" onMouseOver="window.status='Dive into Extase'; return true">Extase</A> show?" It is impossible to answer this question. Although
Extase is connecting people and is letting them to find to each other,
although Extase is promoting and strengthening the understanding between
people, the generations, the races, between black and white, thick and
thin, man and woman, Extase is different for each individual. Therefore
it also is impossible to answer the question "What is a Extase show". Because
each individual will experience Extase in a different way. And who knows
how animals are experiencing Extase?!</FONT>

<P><FONT COLOR="#3366FF">Therefore it also is very difficult to say generally
which way would be the correct one to experience Extase, to see Extase.
As a completely unspoiled, virgin person in Extase matters, you should
begin to watch <A HREF="http://www.altmuehlnet.de/~meier-s/extase/english/extase_last.htm" >http://www.altmuehlnet.de/~meier-s/extase/english/extase_last.htm" onMouseOver="window.status='Die letzten, verschollenen Bilder'; return true">the
last, lost pictures,</A> because the pictures shown there, are all originating
from modern times and are all suitable for people of the present, what
actually means the the 90's of the 20th century. For those the pictures
should also be generally understandable and harmless. Since the pictures
are shown for the first time to the public, no liability for any physical
pain or psychological damage can be granted.</FONT>

<P><FONT COLOR="#3366FF">So far only the last, lost pictures have been
available permanently. Only one of the real shows has been shown, because
more of them within a short time are not bearable for the normal human
organism. In ascending order one could lose oneself every few weeks in
the World of Extase. The understanding of Extase could grow with each picture,
with each show. Now all Shows are available at the same time. Nevertheless
accept the really good-meant advice to start slowly! After one show you
should take a break for at least two days. To watch several shows on one
day should remain reserved for experienced Extaticians only. But also for
them it is not advisable to excessively enjoy Extase and to devote to the
resulting drugged statuses uncontrolled.</FONT>

<P><FONT COLOR="#3366FF">However: hold on! Do not give up! Consider that
the attraction could be lost forever, if you abort a show. Additionally
it is dangerous! Thus be aware of a show, once started, must be watched
to the end. Do not ask about the duration of a show. Some Extaticians are
already finished after ten minutes, if they are about to barely watch the
pictures. Others are losing themselves therein and never return. However
both extremes occur rarely and most are in between somewhere, somehow.</FONT>

<P><FONT COLOR="#3366FF">Watching the english versions of the shows you
may find some pictures hard to understand. This may occur because you haven't
thought or trained enough. Another reason can be the translation. All titles
- and as far as necessary the contents of the pictures, too - have been
translated from german language. But sometimes the german titles had to
be paraphrased if there were no suitable english words. An additional problem
can be that as an English speaking person you probably won't be very familiar
with german culture, prominent figures, movies etc. But that only applies
to some pictures and shows, so you shouldn't be bothered to much from this.


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