BeerMatt's Home Page - What's the story.?!?

A long time ago in a suburb of Croydon, Far Far Away...

Sorry, wrong intro! Doh!

In 1973, far out in the unfashionable end of western spiral arm of Croydon was born a baby boy. Not a remarkable baby (as in my opinion babies are never remarkable) but who in his teens found the answer to life the universe and everything, and a book (which was to become his bible/guide for many years, an annoyance to most his friends as he never stopped quoting it).

Fascinated by all things Sci-Fi the young boy grew into a strange breed of human know as a 'computer programmer' and with the stresses and strains of life and the need to collect small green pieces of paper, had forgotten most of the book, once so vividly committed to memory, and the fact that writing for the guide would be a pretty neat idea.

One Thursday afternoon while sitting drinking Tea at work, browsing the Internet came across a radio series by Douglas Adams called, The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Future. Looking further he also came across a website called h2g2. A wholly remarkable site with the words DONT PANIC in large friendly letters on it's cover.

After consulting the website further the man (who was once the boy, although looking at him now you would never be able to believe this) found that his childhood dream of becoming a writer for the guide was now a dream come true.

This is not his story... well actually it is. What more can I say about this man but... Mostly Harmless.


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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