This is the Message Centre for BeerMatt

Love one thanks..

Post 1


If my name was Matt - that would've been really funny.....
you know beermatt as a question rather than a name....
oh dont worry, Ill just wander off over this way now...

*wanders off looking sheepish*......

Love one thanks..

Post 2



Thanks for that, I hadn't really thought of it like that... smiley - smiley

We'll when I can find the pub (I found the Aroma Café) I will have to purchase you a drink for pointing that out to me.

Thanks again - BeerMatt? smiley - fish

Love one thanks..

Post 3


Ive been on h2g2 for about 2 months now and still haven't found any cafes or pubs... although im sure if i tried hard enough i could... Posting in the fora seems to take up enough of my time though and procrastination is not something I need any help with!!! (see the procrastinators society)...
Anyway, feel free to drop around to my page and help yourself to some chocolate cake - Ive even got beanbags!!!...


Love one thanks..

Post 4



Thanks, I think that might just have to do that. I've found a pub and a café. If you have a look on my home page I've put a couple of links at the bottom, one is to the Aroma Café and the other to the Forum and Firkin pub.

Any way got to rush, I've got some chocolate cake to got and eat.


- BeerMatt smiley - fish

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