This one little red head...

Greetings All, and Welcome to the Little Red Head's Place in the Techno Universe.

I bet you're wondering how I got here, or if not, you should be. All of you can thank BigStan (look him up here and bug him) for bringing me to this cool little corner of the web.

I think that this introduction space should be used to introduce myself (who would have thought?) so here we go... please make sure that your seats are in there up-right and locked positions,and refreshments will be provided mid flight (provided you're good).

So what is this, who am I? You have stumbled into the corner of a feisty little eighteen-year-old college girl. Lucky you huh? Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Becky. Oh yeah, welcome to my space. I told you how I got here and my age, so let's dig deeper shall we?

I reside in the city of Cincinnati, here in beautiful Ohio. Okay beautiful Ohio is more like endless cornfields, but overall it is not that bad. I mentioned college, and I attend Cincinnati State for International Business. I'm going to be big someday... remember that.

I am pretty much your average girl. I drive, I have a good relationship with my mother, I enjoy my family, I'm spiritually active (read: this does not necessarily mean a holey-roller), I am content in life, I have hobbies and usually do not engage in the illegal activities of stalking people. :)

Expand on that huh? Hobbies, they are an integral part of who we are. Mine are as varied as I am, but I like them all. I'll try anything once. My main hobbies though, if I must narrow it down, would have to be reading, playing and listening to my music, and growing things. I love roses and lavender especially, but you've got to give them love with the poor clay soil in abundance in Ohio. Bone meal usually is the best, but ahh... I digress.

Religion? Who could not spend hours and forums on human religion? I've studied many, and find it to be fascinating. I'm very open minded and open to all the different opinions/options. I could spend pages on it, but will spare you, the viewer, precious time. :)

Family is good, cats are good, warm beds are real good. You get the picture...

There is so much to being human, it is hard to place it all in just one introduction.

As for the being a guide part, all I can offer to the universe is my personal experience and knowledge. I am always in search of new people and would love to make your acquaintance. I hope to use this site for my benefit, and who knows, maybe, someone will learn something from me. That's what we are all here for, no?

If interested you may continue the journey with me... I would love to have the knowledge and company; and sometimes it just makes the load lighter.

Thank you for flying with Becky, I hope to see you again soon.


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A Wedding Oct 14, 2000 Oct 15, 2000
lonely Oct 15, 2000 Oct 15, 2000


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