Religious stories

Amongst the many granules of Earth's downright Potpurri-like mixture of societies and cultures, there are a few similarities that reverberate throughout, giving those smart enough to realize it a very convenient tangent for comparison. Of these are included bread, sex, and religious story telling. Although these three should nary be mixed, it is still wise to consider them when trying to make sense of any given culture.
The most complex and, strangely enough, easiest to analyze of this trio of collective facets are religious legends. Each recognizably different culture has had, at one point or another, its own distinct religion or religious faction. This is normally what defined that culture to begin with, and what helps it retain its shape when bombarded by the beliefs of an invading major religion.The faith of your ancestors is, basically, the starch in the jello of society.
Before we go further, though, it is important to show that for a truly fair and accurate disection of religion to occur, all beliefs must be treated equally. Every person with a system of faith obviously beleives theirs to be the correct faith, because elsewise they wouldn't follow it. So, unfortunately, it is impossible to be both fair and agreeable when discussing religion, and thus apathy is the saving grace yet again. An "Apatheist", or one that does not particularly give a damn about god, creation, and other fairly common religious beliefs is the only person truely fit to be a neutral party in an argument no-one thinks is worth fighting, because they already "know" they are right.
But back to the subject. No matter how equally you treat all beliefs, you must eventually succumb to the fact that there are a few absolutely huge "Faith Juggernauts", gigantic organized religions so unimaginably large that they divide themselves into factions that fight amongst themselves and accomplish extremely little in the process. These include Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity. Each of these religions has split along their fault lines, becoming several undiscernable groupings of people as time has passed, and I'll finish this entry later.


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