I'm Afraid I'm Not Adopted...









So, I hear a lot about this "family" thing but have not experienced it in my own life. As a result my view of a lot of social convention is either "odd" or "heretical".

For example, I don't think the mere ability to breed qualifies anyone for parenthood.

I don't think religious beliefs get to dictate how anyone else behaves.

I don't think the planets in the sky are about personal lives or horoscopes.

I don't think whateveritis has a name, so God is a reduction to take the concept down to a level where our tiny little minds can handle it. I don't know, don't think I ever will and discussions about religion are primarily narcissistic ego masturbation.

I don't think there is a devil out there, I think that good and evil are the things people do with, for, to and about each other. Stephen King's books about posessed-dolls / dogs / coke-machines / lawnmowers / trucks (etc.) are attempts to avoid responsibility for action by externalizing evil as a force outside. Everybody wants off the hook. Smart people take responsibility. Smart people are in the extreme minority.

I would like ot think I was dropped off by my alien masters just to observe, but I am more convinced I am here because my parents had sex - and there was probably a good deal of alcohol involved. There was later.

Opinions are like assholes - everyone has one and they usually stink. Except your own, of course.

And then I have my more objectionable viewpoints...
smiley - bigeyes


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Doc Coleman

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