Me Me Me

If you're not me then go away because you obviously suck. Thanks for your time. Oh, yeah what do you think about joining my net community. It's an online 'game' except with the real world. I all you nedd is a digital camera or a normal camera and a scanner. If you're interested contact me or just wait till the site is up. I'm looking to have a good solid base by Christmas 2000 so come back here before then. If you want to be volunteer your help feel free as I cant do it all myself. Want more? You'll just have to wait. Nice talking to you,

(It's James spelt with a z backwards! Duh!)

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Me (again) Oct 19, 2000
Good one! Oct 18, 2000


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Me (again) Oct 15, 2000 Oct 19, 2000
I like it Oct 15, 2000 No Replies


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Researcher U156878


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