Researcher 156269: Merrill, P.A.

I am Phil Merrill, callsign philatelyphil, and, well, I collect stuff. Not just stamps and coins like normal lunatics, but also postcards, paper currency, Matchbox cars, plastic model kits, military insignia, neat used books, salt and pepper shakers, McCoy pottery, small cat figurines, fruit and vegetable labels, umm, perhaps I should stop there. Once my wife heard that a "collection" was 25 of anything, so she went through the house with a legal pad to make sure we had a collection of collections. From that moment I knew that I was sick, that I was in the grip of a disease over which I had no control, and that I loved it...<p>

I'm now a small-time dealer in such stuff, I enjoy helping others with their own collecting addictions and I'm always happy to answer those questions I can about collectibles. If I don't know something, I can probably point you in the right direction to learn more yourself. <p>

And, with all this old stuff lying around, you can probably guess that my other great passion is history. The Second World War is probably my favorite interest, with way too much knowledge of the nuts and bolts of the weapons used but also a growing familiarity with the individuals and the political background of the period. American cultural history since the War is also an interest, as is Masonry, sort of.<p>

I am always happy to discuss anything that we could help each other with, or to provide any information I might have or even opinions that I have convinced my self are facts. Ciao...<p>
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Researcher 156269 Merrill, P. A.

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