The Heresy Corner

Snow-covered mountains with river and wolf encircled by text reading Northwest US Researchers' GroupTrust me. I'm a doctor.

If you're wondering where I am, see the above disclaimer. No, really, again. I'm dissertating. Writing a dissertation. Reading until my eyes go fuzzy and writing until my hands knot up like an arthritic grandmother in -40 winter chills. It's a process.

So forgive me if I take a bit to get back to you, or you don't hear from me for months on end. I'll get around again sometime, I promise.

So sit back, pull up a seat, have a smiley - cappuccino or a smiley - stiffdrink, some smiley - redwine, or perhaps even just a nice smiley - tea. Relax. We could be here a while.

reminder to self: joined October 7th, 2000.

Link to Lil's Atelier.


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Researcher U155915

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