tom's mission statement

this is the home of tom's polemic.
most of the opinions expressed herein will be highly selective and obnoxiously expressed, and probably obsessed with TV's nano-celebs and the cult of elevating the worthless and tawdry into rôle-models for impressionable half-wits.
if i can draw myself away from the subject of the baser areas of humanity for a while, then i shall attempt to enlighten and amuse you all with whimsical diatribes on why tiny, seemingly insignificant things are really great and what makes life worth liveing.
suffice it to say, that in the main, for myself, i'm pretty well satisfied, and thus tiny minor irritations play an excessively and disproportionately large rôle in shaping my mood and outlook at any moment in time. I'm well awarethat this is both selfish and childish, and that i should really be using this valuable (although bound to be completely ignored) forum to rail against the injustices and iniquities in modern life, but whadaya gonna do about it?
finally, if any profanity which is bound to sneak in offends you, tough s**t. i couldn't give a monkey's about the sort of half-wit who's upset by a bit of anglo-saxon.
in case yer interested, i'm a bloke living in north london with his fiancée ekeing out a living by conning my boss into thinking that i'm a hard-working and dedicated employee who believes marketing is both important and that it works. i'll probably be first up against the wall when the revolution comes.


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Researcher U156702


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