This is the Message Centre for tom

Hi Tom...

Post 1

Courtney Patron Saint of Social Embarassment

Hi I'm Courtney one of the Gardian Angels around here to help ease you into this insane asylum a little easier.

I also spend all day at work with my boss thinking I work very hard
smiley - smiley Here are a few links that might help you out The Guardian Angel's Page: and The GA's New Users Page:
The h2g2 newcomers page very helpful at There is also a quick reference guide at

The best thing I have found here is The Guide ML Clinic, if you need help with your homepage:

An ACE will be by to say hi and add what I missed or drop by thier page at Aces home page

If you have any question please feel free to ask smiley - smiley Have a fish smiley - fish

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