
I am Gaarge the Greatest, Protector of my home planet Gastrophrantabulor. I am by no means a simple person, on the contrary I have super-gastrophrantabulite powers. I am one of only a few Gastrophrantabulites who is wrought from the alloy of the Gastrophrantabulous mountain range Ferringtoria. This means that my body is made from thoughts. What, thoughts, is that what I heard? Yes, thoughts. For the mountain range of Ferringtoria is a curious range, whereby it is not restrained by the constraints and predjudices of other commonplaces ranges. It is not made up of regular minerals, but is a fantastic collection of compressed thoughts from history.

For, in the past Gastrophrantabulor was a planet covered in little people, to such an extent that my planet was not left with a square inch of non-little-people covered space. One burdensome day a little person, unlike all the other little people, decided to bury himself under the ground. Oh, what a fool! If only he knew that every other little person would do that also.

Well it was done, all the little people buried themselves, and that was the end of a beautiful race.

Luckily though, for my sake, the God governing my home planet was a forgiving man, and instead of sending the little people straight to hell, he sent them into limbo. This limbo, this plane of non-reality existing not in accordance with the governing laws of science, was what we now know as the mountains of Ferrington.

The mountains however, were not made from the little peoples flesh, they were instead made from the thoughts of the little people.

Well, that is all very well, but what of me? Why am I here? I am here, ladies and gentlemen, because the good God governing Gastrophrantabulor made me alive. I am a collection of the best, and most courageous thoughts the little people ever had. I am the stage above limbo, and until the day I am destroyed I will remain the container of the little peoples best thoughts. Protecting my almost barren land from malefactors and miscreants.


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gaarge the great

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