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OK, so who is this "Tie Dye"?

Well, I'm a 41 year old man living in Indianapolis, "the racing capitol of the world." (they make us ALL say that!)

My main interest is science, but I also have several minor interests in subsets of science. Space and astronomy are two of them. When I fire up the browser, my home page is the Astronomy Picture of the Day, located at" > />
Someday, I will post a list of the science magazines I subscribe to.

But I really DO have other interests! For example, my nickname is because I collect tie dye T-shirts. I like the rainbow colors and unique designs. Did you know that all rainbows are the same size, angularily speaking. It is determined by the refraction index of the water/air interface. (Wow! Science just pops up everywhere!)

I also like roller coasters. (Plenty of science there, too.)
I collect - ok, play with - cool toys. At a Pagen Pride Festival in Broadripple (a subset of Indianapolis) I got a $2 propeller that is balloon powered. When you plug up that irritating whistle, more air pressure is available to blow out the tips of the three propellers and make it fly - about 10 feet - oops, sorry, that's about 3-1/2 meters. I also have a pair of water balloon sling shots. Good for a 100 meter "toss".

If any of you share any of these interests, please let me know. I can't be the only person who subscribes to Ad Astra (National Space Society) and Technology Review (MIT). (A full listing of Mr. Dye's reading interests will be made available as time permits.)
(Yeah, right)


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tie dye

Researcher U155916


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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