John, the Singer and Actor

I have spent most of my life earning a living as a safety professional and working for one of the defense agencies of the US Government. But my avocation has always been singing, and that, inevitably, led to the stage as well. I live in southern Maryland and belong to two community theater groups. I'm also a paid section leader in a church choir. My wife also enjoys acting and singing, and we often share the stage in amateur productions. Our three sons are grown men ranging from mid-twenties to early thirties. Our youngest son got the bitten hard by the acting bug, majored in musical theater, and is now a professional actor living in the New York City area.

In addition, I have always had a curious and searching approach to life. I have learned a fair amount about many of the sciences on my own. I am also an avid science fiction reader. I read Douglas Adams' "Hitchhikers" series back in the 1970s, and that, in part, led to my finding this website. Most recently, I have finished the all six of the books Harry Turtledove has written to date in his "World War" series. And of course I've read every sci-fi book ever written by Isaac Asimov and by Robert Heinlein.


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Researcher 155950

Researcher U155950


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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