
hi there,

as I mentionend above, I'm a brand new visitor of your extraordinary
interesting site.

I'd not like to introduce myself - um, I'd just like to point out that
I'll probably get the chance to experience something new.
Well, I'm 32 years old and just curious enough to see what's gonna happen next.

My profession is, um, not too interesting at all (at least for me...), and I actually didn't want to tell the rest of the world that I'm psychologist. omegawed, now it's done.

Unfortunately I'm German as well, so most of the things I try to tell might seem to sound a bit weird because of my lack of knowledge concerning the English language. But - who knows - maybe I'll get the chance to improve my language skills a bit.

Funny thing is, I don't know how to proceed, maybe I'll find out later. So I wasn't too bad concerning my introduction I guess, and it seems to be far more difficult to bring it all to a reasonable end...
Um, nice to be 'here', see you, cheers


(pronounced: Low Tar, just like these cigarettes that give you the feeling of not doing any harm to your body - which is bulls**t anyway...)


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Researcher 156754

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