h2g2 Photographers Hall of Fame (Oct/Nov/Dec 2008)

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All Photographs provided by the h2g2 Photographers

Here is a complete list of all entries photographed so far, with photographers, compiled by Emmily.

Strawberry Tree

Pic by Venus.Trees of Britain and Ireland

Carved Mayan image

Pic by Giford.Ancient Mayan Cultures

Last-quarter moon

Pic by Moonhogg.Lunar Phases

Sunshine colour

Pic by Cheeky Monkey.Yellow

Camouflaged Cuttlefish

Pic by Foxwing.Nature's Ingenuity at Camouflage

Autumnal Tree of Kew

Pic by MMF.Chemistry of Autumn Colours

Mayan City

Pic by Giford.Chichen Itza

Sea Goat

Pic by Shagbark.Capricornus

The Octant

Pic by Gnomon.Octans

Final Journey

Pic by Galaxy Babe.Friesian Heavy Horse

Insect Mimics

Pic by Venus.British Orchids

Mayan City

Pic by Giford.Tikal

Mayan City

Pic by Giford.Palenque


Pic by Venus.British Orchids

National Park Centre

Pic by B'Elana.Multimar Wattforum

San Fran tran

Pic by Gnomon.Cable Cars

Take off

Pic by Deke.Space Shuttle

Mayan City

Pic by Giford.Uxmal

End of the Parade

Pic by Elentari.Leamington Spa

Seven Sisters

Pic by Moonhogg.The Pleiades

Researchers with photos applied

Researcher Photo Badge Holders (+5 photos)

Previous Halls of Fame

h2g2 Photographers Hall of Fame (June/July/August/Sept 2008)

h2g2 Photographers Hall of Fame (Apr/May 2008)

h2g2 Photographers Hall of Fame (Mar 2008)

h2g2 Photographers Hall of Fame (Jan/Feb 2008)

h2g2 Photographers Hall of Fame (Dec 2007)

h2g2 Photographers Hall of Fame (Sept/Oct/Nov 2007)

h2g2 Photographers Hall of Fame (August 2007)

h2g2 Photographers Hall of Fame (July 2007)

h2g2 Photographers Hall of Fame (June 2007)

h2g2 Photographers Hall of Fame (May 2007)

h2g2 Photographers Hall of Fame (April 2007)

h2g2 Photographers Hall of Fame (March 2007)

h2g2 Photographers Hall of Fame (February 2007)

h2g2 Photographers Hall of Fame (January 2007)

h2g2 Photographers Hall of Fame (December 2006)

h2g2 Photographers Hall of Fame (November 2006)

h2g2 Photographers Hall of Fame (October 2006)

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