Welcome to the werechicken's willow
Please come in, but don't step on my drawings... yes, I know, there are quite alot of them. Yes... I know it's a mess and I should better tidy up. *takes some books from a chair*

Sit down please. May I offer you some tea? Or do you prefer coffee? A sandwich? Here you are... oh, could you please help me? Put all this paper off the table, there is no space left for the cups. Just put it down on the floor, yes, to all the other things. Thank you.
...I think I should tidy up all this tomorrow...
You see, I'm a bit chaotic, but sometimes I am very pedantic too. That can be even worse.

May I introduce you to my cat? Say Hello to our guest Muzi... sorry she is a bit shy. She doesn't want to talk to strangers.
Oh, yes, she talks a lot sometimes.
What about? Everything. Mice, birds, nuclear physics.
Do you want another cup?
Now you've got something to eat and drink, so it's time for some information about me. I'm 27 years old, live in Austria1 and my native language is German. I've got a Master degree in Architecture and work in an office, planning appartment houses. As you might have found out I really like drawing and reading, I also play computer games. My favourite writers are JRR Tolkien, Terry Pratchett and of course Douglas Adams. I also like Tad Williams, Neil Gaiman and the Harry Potter books.
Game-wise I'm mostly interested in MMORPGs because I like playing with other people. I've tried rather a few of them.
I like science fiction films, but often dislike fantasy films because there's often too much rubbish around in this genre, although things got really a lot better since the great Lord of the Rings movies.
I've got a cat called Muzi, she's a 14 years old calico with long fur.
I am team leader of the h2g2 Community Artists which makes me responsible for the illustrations that get added to new Guide Entries and adding pictures to existing Entries. I don't make all the pictures myself of course, we are a rather small team of very dedicated members. Together we also work on other things, like smileys for instance.
The other Arts Editors, Guide Editors and I review the pictures submitted by the Community Artists, decide if they are suitible for the Guide (and hardly any are not) and upload them to the picture library so they can be added to the right Entry by the Guide Editors. We also discuss things like how to improve our working process and recruit new members.
I myself am additionally responsible to write reports about how things go in the arts department and talk about them at the regular team leaders meetings. I also work on the general design of h2g2, h2g2 related sites and any other odd job that needs an artist.
I'm head of the German Department and I am responsible for updating the pages of The Language Thing. I apologize for being lazy.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."