
What is Create?
Create is a series of themed challenges. We hope to provoke h2g2 researchers into feats of wilder research, more studious creative writing, tastier visual arts, more lyrical fun and wonderfully composed biscuits.
Scroll down the page to see our official volunteers. If you are a current volunteer, please subscribe to Create's journals by adding 'Create' to your list of friends.
March: Significant Objects

We all have something, no matter how small or large that is significant to us in some way. It doesn't have to expensive, just meaningful. Tells us about it at Significant Objects .
February : Tears in the Rain

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe", so said Roy Batty. You've seen things. You've lived things. The memories may become tears in the rain. Unless you share 'em at Tears in the Rain .
January: Home Sweet Home

Pilot sang about it, as did Motley Crue but where is your Home Sweet Home? We'd love to hear your stories, both good places and bad. Join in and be entertained.
December: Holiday Song Challenge

It is the season, apparently. But 'holiday songs' mean different things to different people. Come on in, the fire's all set. Join us in one last chorus. Holiday Song Challenge
November: NaJoPoMo

This year has zipped past so very fast, some us have moved, some of us have been moved. It's been a year and a quarter. Share it. We'll listen. Always. NaJoPoMo.
October: The Great h2g2 Bake Off

With early autumn sunshine and the Great British Bake Off coming to an end, we cordially invite you to join us at The Great h2g2 Bake Off.
September: Try to Remember

September can tend be a month of changes, the seasons in temperate climates or schools for the younger contingent. Historically, September has also changed people's lives. Come and look at this month's challenge and see how you can contribute.Try to Remember
August: The Games People Play

Games are all around us. Some need loads of equipment, while others can be played simply with dice, a story and an imagination. What games do you play and can we join in? See The Games People Play
July: The Road Not Taken

This month we would like to know about your near-misses and might-have-beens. If you had made a different choice, where do you think you'd be now? Share your stories. See The Road Not Taken
June: Truth is Stranger than (Science) Fiction

We may not have hoverboards yet, but Science Fiction has made some pretty accurate predictions about the future we now live in. Are you a Technophile or a Technophobe? Tell us your stories. See Truth is Stranger than (Science) Fiction
May: Gathering Nuts

It's finally the lusty month of May. Will you be gathering nuts, celebrating Beltane or dancing round a Maypole? Tell us your stories. See Gathering Nuts
April: Claim to Fame

What is the claim to fame of the place where you live? Wherever you live, anywhere in the world, there's a story. Help us find it. See Claim to Fame
March: Cheap Thrills

When was the last time you had a cheap night out? What's the most fun you've had for little or no money? This month Create aims to find out in Cheap Thrills
February: Ancestors

This month we are celebrating our ancestors, was your grandfather on the front lines during World War 1? Or were your ancestors present at the Gettysburg address, or maybe you come from long line of miners? We all have history to reveal, so share it. Ancestors
January: Out with the Old?

It is said that necessity is the mother of invention, but there are several other reasons why some things are created. Time to to get the New Year brain in gear and take a look at Out With the Old?
December: Expedition 42

To celebrate the launch of NASA's Mission 42, we are looking to space for our inspiration this month. Forget the turkey, come and see our space station. See Expedition 42
November: NaJoPoMo 2014

It's that time of the year when h2g2 researchers minds turn to journal writing, add your name to the list and join us. See NaJoPoMo 2014
October: A Month of Scares

Get your spook on with this month's challenge, as we invite stories of all things scary. Bring some garlic and silver bullets and enter at your own peril. See A Month of Scares.
September: Guilty Pleasures

This month is a celebration of guilty pleasures. Be they the things that send you scurrying to fridge at night, or the that album hidden your music collection. Don't give us that innocent look, we know you're hiding something. See Guilty Pleasures.
August: Memorable Encounters

This month we want to know about your memorable encounters. Encounters with people, encounters with animals. What made them memorable? Share your thoughts. See Memorable Encounters
July: Far Away Places

When you think of far away places, where do you go? Somewhere you've been, or somewhere you're thinking about going? This month Create want to take you there, in reality, virtually, whatever takes your fancy. Stories real or imagined - all are welcome. See Far Away Places
June: A Look Back at the 20th Century

We're citizens of the 21st Century now. Most of us are immigrants – we arrived from that other century, the 20th. But believe it or not, there are actually teenagers who never wrote a date starting with '19--'. We really want to know: what is your verdict on the last 100 years?Read more here A Look Back at the 20th Century
May: Plants and Flowers

The saying goes 'April showers bring May flowers' and so it does - and the plants don't do too bad either. So this month we want to celebrate that. We want to see them, read about them, we want to almost smell and taste them. The seeds have been planted, what they grow into is up to you. Read more here Flowers and Plants
April: Talking About the Weather

We've been having extraordinary weather of late. In the UK gale force winds and floods, in the USA ice and snow as far south as Louisiana and, in Australia, a record-breaking heatwave. So lets talk about our favourite obsession. See Talking About the Weather
March: In Like a Lion

Folk wisdom says that March 'comes in like a lion, goes out like a lamb'. What starts out as a major trauma turns out to be a minor dust-up. Have you had an 'in like a lion' experience in your life? See In Like a Lion
February: Science Fact, Science Fiction

Isn't science brilliant? There are so many amazing news stories about science. Create wants you to join in by sending in stories, poems, or edited guide articles on anything science related. See Science Fact, Science Fiction
January: First Footing

To mark the New Year, Create invites you to go first footing. Tell us about your memorable firsts - first job, first holiday abroad, first kiss. Or write an article about a historical first - there are plenty to choose from. See First Footing
December: 'Tis the Season

The end of year holidays are fast approaching and Create would like to know what makes this time of year special, be it getting away from it all or jumping right in and getting on with it. Your stories, recipes and decoration ideas are all welcome. Details 'Tis the Season
November: h2g2's NaJoPoMo
We're delighted to be able to present h2g2's NaJoPoMo for 2013. After the success of last year's event, Create again challenges you to write something in your journal every day in November. We welcome fact, fiction, jokes, poetry - you decide. If you want to join in, instructions are at h2g2's NaJoPoMo 2013
October: What's Your Style?

This month, Create asks whether you follow the fashions, or slop about in the same old things. Send us your views about fashion, photos and articles about clothing. See What's Your Style?
September: Back to School

Did you love school, or hate it? Either way, Create wants to hear from you. Send us your memories of school, with photos, or write an article inspired by a school subject. See Back to School.
August: The Soundtrack of Your Life

We all have a soundtrack to our lives. So, this month, Create invites you to write about the music that is important to you. Tell us about your favourite songs and performers and the gigs you've enjoyed, at The Soundtrack of Your Life
July: Gardens

As this is the season for pottering about outdoors, Create invites you to write about gardens. Give us your gardening tips, or tell us about the places you love to visit, or your favourite plants, at Gardens
June: One Page Poetry

Remember fridge magnet poetry? Magnetic words, rearranged a bit, then a bit more, until hey presto, poetry! Pastey has invented our own not entirely dissimilar version for your Creative delight. If you'd like to take part, we have the instructions right here: One-Page-Poetry
May: Towel Day 2013
Towel Day 2013 came and went, and Create invited all interested h2g2ers to share their towel-carrying experiences by photographing the evidence and then sending it to us on our Facebook page, via Twitter @h2g2_Guide or [email protected]. We promised to publish them. Eventually. Our fingers wer worn to the bone and we had no idea just how successful this would be. A huge wave of thanks to all who sent contributions. We were overwhelmed, in a very happy way
So, without further ado, here's a picture link to our gallery of your contributions to the Towel Day 2013 event.
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Click on image to see the Gallery. |
April: Tell Us About Your Travels.
This month, Create invites you to celebrate spring by writing about your travels. Can you tell us about a journey you enjoyed (or hated) or an interesting place you visited? See Tell Us About Your Travels.
March: A CHALLENGE from Dmitri.
This month, Create cannot think of anything better than to draw your attention to a CHALLENGE issued by our beloved Guide Editor, Dmitri. Take it away, Dmitri!
February: Family Photos.
The Create team invites h2g2ers to look for family photos and write about them. Do you have a photo that you would like to share with us? Or one that inspires you to write an Edited Guide article, a story, or a poem? See Family Photos.
January: Things. Or perhaps Stuff.
The Create team invite h2g2ers to put holiday bounty to good use - in writing. Do you have a product review to share? How about an adventure any Christmas gifts started for you? Check out the New Year's challenge here.
Solnushka is planning NaJoPoMo again! We are truly delighted!!
Following from the very successful challenge last November, we are pleased to be running NaJoPoMo once again. Full details can be found here
Solnushka and our the Create volunteers welcome all participants, new or old to h2g2. We'll look forward to reading your journals. Good luck!
October: Spooky Fun
28th October Create were pleased to invite you to the performance of 'It's my Party, and I'll die if I want to'. Someone died, and a lot of people were suspects. Thank you to all those that helped plan, write and act this entertainment. We found it great fun to do, and hope that we can do this again in the future.
Many thanks to all those who made it even more fun by playing along during the evening, and an especial thanks to those who sent in their solutions to the mystery.
We will be printing the correct solution in this weekend's Post. Mind you, some of the alternative solutions that were sent in were even more imaginative. Great fun to read.
In the meantime, Dmitri requested spooky stories for the Post, so get over there and read what the other researchers sent in.
September: Food and Drink
We asked you to share a favourite family recipe. We had some really fabulous recipes - many thanks to all who took part.
August: Elton Abroad and Summer Reading
Two interesting topics this month. So, we're really looking forward to a bumper crop of entries. Find out what is happening to Elton - have you seen him in your locality? If so we want photographic evidence please. Or simply tell us about your favourite summer read. Or, take part in both these challenges. Huge thanks to Tavaron this month for her inspiration behind Elton's Great Escapade.
Challenge Extra: July to September
We've two new challenges to hopefully inspire you which will run over the next three months. Please take a look at our introductory page. Ask questions if you need further help or advice.
July: Sport and Personal Fitness
Nosebagbadger generously accepted the role of host for this challenge, which has now ended. The challenge page for July is Create: Sport and Personal Fitness Challenge. Thank you to all who took part.
June: Got the Music in You?
The challenge has now ended, so be sure to contact Z to claim the Create participant badge for the month.
Getting Involved
If you'd like advance notice of our future ideas please take a look at Create's planning page. Do drop by. Unless, of course, you want it all to be a surprise.
Official Create Volunteers
A list of our generous, talented and otherwise totally cool Create volunteers:
These are the official volunteers who help to organise and host the challenges each month. Many thanks for all their ongoing support and encouragement.
Latest Messages
Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
How I use H2G2 | Oct 18, 2019 |
Favorite places | Apr 9, 2018 |
Removed | Dec 6, 2017 |
Idea | Oct 15, 2014 |
Just a question | Feb 18, 2014 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
Daydream Journal | Sep 1, 2014 | Feb 21, 2021 |
moving services | No Posting | Apr 3, 2020 |
Andros | No Posting | Feb 8, 2020 |
What a good idea | No Posting | Nov 27, 2019 |
How I use H2G2 | No Posting | Oct 18, 2019 |
Create: endeavours in reading, writing, rhythm, blues, art, photography, and biscuits.
Researcher U14992038
Most Recent Edited Entries
- New Year's Resolutions
- Power Cut Preparation
- How to Experience a Sense of Freedom in Everyday Life
- Giving and Getting Flowers
- Challenge Extra (July-Sept 2012)
h2g2 is created by h2g2's users, who are members of the public. The views expressed are theirs and unless specifically stated are not those of Not Panicking Ltd. If you consider any Entry to be in breach of the site's House Rules, please register a complaint. For any other comments, please visit the Feedback page.
Write an Entry
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."
Create: endeavours in reading, writing, rhythm, blues, art, photography, and biscuits. has no Friends