Create's January challenge: Sailing ships and sealing wax and cabbages and kings.

2 Conversations

The thing about Christmas is that like it or not, people give you presents. So I thought h2g2 might celebrate this fact, or at least put it to good use.

Create's January challenge, then, is all about things. Mainly reviewing things for the Edited Guide. It doesn't necessarily have to be a thing you got this Christmas, or indeed any Christmas. As long as it is, well, thinglike.

The Post is also interested in the stories of any adventures you have had while playing with any new things you might have acquired over the festive period.

What to include

Topics you might want to include in your review are:

  • the thing's history

  • a description

  • how the thing works/ how you use the thing

  • good points

  • not so good points

  • your overall opinion

  • how other people can get the thing

Of course, you don't have to cover all (or any) of these.

I have lots of things! Sign me up!

There is a sign up thread below for you to say what you have decided to write about and leave a link when you have written it. The place to submit any pieces for the Edited Guide is Peer Review, or the Edited Guide Writing Workshop if you'd like some writing help first.

The Post team can be contacted directly with submissions on postteamhg at gmail dot com.

Some examples to inspire you

Did you get someone this year's must have toy? Here's an entry we already have on the Furby.

Did your loved ones support your tech habit? Here's an entry about the Raspberry Pi.

Are you a gamer? Here's one about Age of Empires II: Age of Kings.

Perhaps you got a book? Here's a review of the Book Thief.

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