December Create Challenge - 'Tis the Season
Created | Updated Dec 1, 2013
How Do You Make Your Holiday Memorable?
Winter holidays: most people in the northern hemisphere have them. In the Southern hemisphere, they sigh and put up with Santa in a swimsuit, or light their menorahs on the beach. Everybody has a way of making the holiday season a source of fond memories for years to come. What's yours?
Do you celebrate at home, or take a package tour to escape? Do you decorate, cook, and bake yourself into exhaustion, or do you leave the catering to the professionals? What's the biggest challenge: the annoying vegetarian cousin at dinner, or the hard-to-please aunt around the Christmas tree? What makes the holiday memorable where you live?
Share something with us. Tell us about:
Whatever you're up to, or up for, at the holidays, share it with h2g2's readers! Your choice: Guide Entry or h2g2 Post. Format: text, artwork, photograph. Let us know what you've done, so we can all run and enjoy it.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and/or Kwanzaa blessings to you!