Create: August Challenge I: Summer Reading

1 Conversation

Book, sunglasses and cold drink.

Good morrow dear creative researchers!

Your starter for August is 'Summer Reading'. We know that most researchers will also be avid readers, either in book form or electronic media. What books will accompany you on your travels? Will you be reading beach lit, airport paperbacks or something more highbrow? If so, would you send in a book review?

Is there a new book that you'd really like to recommend to others? Do you have a favourite tucked away that you like to find time to re-read now and then? We'd like to expand our Books and Literature section, and award you a badge for your contribution.

Here are some prime examples of Edited Guide Entries written about books.

However, your contribution does not have to be lengthy, nor about a classic novel. Remember your audience is more likely to be looking for a recommendation to read the book, rather than a dissection or literary analysis. But if you're feeling scholarly, then please don't feel constrained. We'll welcome both types.

If you decide to write your contribution as a review, then you should abide by the general protocols for reviews, and not spoil the story by revealing surprising twists or outcomes to the plot.

Nor does your review have to be about an adult book; take a look at this one by Matt:

Funnybones - Children's Stories

You may decide that fiction is just not your sort of entertainment, and prefer to read something from the bookshop's self-help section.

Please, whatever it is you've packed in your luggage, do share your thoughts. Was your new book worth the paper it was printed on1? Are you hooked on a new diet? Do you have a new guru? Life coach?

All Entries for the Edited Guide should either be sent to Peer Review, or to the Edited Guide Workshop, if you need additional support.

As is usual with Create challenges, you may prefer to write something from a personal perspective, and in which case we recommend that you send your piece in via the Alternative Writing Workshop, for possible inclusion in the Post. In the time honoured way of the AWW, you may use the open-ended challenge of 'Books and Review' as your starting point.

Sign up in the thread below to indicate participation, and to allow the Create volunteers to follow your progress and to congratulate you! If you are either a participant or a Create volunteer, then please show your support for all those who are taking part.

1Or pixels on your e-reader.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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