March: Cheap Thrills
Created | Updated Mar 1, 2015

What's the most fun you've ever had for little or no money?
Back in the 1970s, the German Parliament sponsored an annual 'Open Door Day'. You'd get to tour the Parliament building for free, and they gave out lots of freebies, brochures, buttons, postcards, and the like. But the piece de resistance for most of the locals in Bad Godesberg was the Red Cross van.
They offered cheap lunch. For one Deutschmark, you got a large bowl of piping hot pea soup with a whole sausage in, and a hard roll. Delicious! For a newly-arrived foreign student, this went down a treat.
Yes, yes, German pea soup doesn't sound very tasty. But it is! It's the best pea soup in the universe.
The whole day was a glorious cheap thrill. Who says you get what you pay for?
What's your take on cheap entertainment? Remember, the usual House Rules apply. Keep it clean!