May 2021 Create Challenge: Places of Wonder
Created | Updated Apr 25, 2021
May 2021 Create Challenge: Places of Wonder

There are places in the Universe that are truly wondrous: we can tell, because we've been looking at Hubble photos. This month we're asking the citizens of Earth to tell us about how nice your home planet is.
Actually, not just nice, not 'mostly harmless': we want to know about the bits that are truly awe-inspiring, so nice that some may consider them divine or sacred.
Tell us about a place, or building, or object that causes you to wonder.
It may be a building: a church, mosque or other religious structure, or maybe an ancient site where humans have gathered to gawk for millennia. Or a truly magnificent construction of a totally secular bent.
It could be a natural feature that is so utterly beautiful that people believe the Gods must have designed it.
Or maybe you believe your own garden is a divine place to be.
Maybe you wonder at the internals of an industrial site, the grace and beauty of human-made power?
Wherever you find peace, joy, and inspiration, we'd like to know.
Send us your photos, artwork etc. If you want to make a music video to showcase your locale, be our guest!
Write an Entry on a local 'sacred' place, or tell us about the beliefs of the ancients regarding a landmark.
Write a story or poem about the place you feel most inspired in.
This is your chance to tell us about your little piece of Heaven on Earth.