FrontPage Archive - June 2009
Created | Updated Jul 1, 2009
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1 June 2009

Bernd das Brot, German Icon - This sarcastic loaf of bread informs his viewers that life is hell and that his programme is rubbish.
® Richard Wagner, Composer - He was ugly and opinionated and he dominated the music of the late 19th Century.
QOTD: Used to work with a guy whose surname was Mistry (Gujarati equivalent of 'smith' I think, or 'maker' anyway) who was most put out that his wife would not allow them to name their first child 'Chris'.
2 June 2009

® The Merchant Adventurer's Guild Hall, York - The Merchant Adventurers were the richest and most powerful guild in York.
® The Squirrel Proposition Refuted - Neat Entry this, combining both nature photography and philosophy.
QOTD: Is Photoshop destroying reality?
3 June 2009

® Great Fairs and Theme Parks of Europe - For the squeamish, even the tamest of fairground rides can set the heart racing.
® Pharaoh Hatshepsup - Regarded as Egypt's greatest female pharaoh, she reigned for over 20 years, from 1479 - 1458 BC.
QOTD: Heaven: a world with plenty of cheese. … Hell: a world without cheese. … God: the bringer of cheese.
4 June 2009

Amoebas - To most people, amoebas are the blobby bacteria that cause dysentery. However, they're vastly more complex than that.
® Corfu Town, Corfu, Greece - The town is situated on the east coast, facing Albania and mainland Greece across the Ionian Sea.
QOTD: Why is the weather forecast so rubbish?
5 June 2009
Ectopic Pregnancy - This occurs when a fertilised ovum implants somewhere other than the uterus.
® Birdwatching in The Gambia - You're almost certain to see a few very beautiful birds in this country, whether you're looking for them or not!
QOTD: Deep fried batter coated mobile!! Sounds tasty to me!!
8 June 2009

Pablo Picasso - This 20th Century artist invented Cubism and was famous throughout the world for his paintings and anti-war message.
® Food and the Colour Blue - Although some have an aversion to food that's blue, this Entry takes a kindly look at edibles with a blue tinge.
QOTD: I've got a special tool for removing them and every now and then I still get one that needs the old 'tea towel and sturdy door' trick!
9 June 2009
® The Parts of an Acoustic Guitar - A fine Entry which illustrates the structure of the most basic and common guitar.
® Mexico City - This home of beautiful artefacts, shows and archaeological sites is a well-preserved centre of culture.
QOTD: I'm foreigner. you all have weird accents
10 June 2009

Dere Street: From York to Melrose in Seven Days - Dere Street was a major supply route along the eastern section of Hadrian's Wall.
® Howard Goodall, Composer and Musician - Howard Goodall is a name you will have seen many times, but probably without noticing it.
QOTD: Has anyone out there in hootoo-land successfully changed their accent? Or do any of you accentuate your regional accent under certain circumstances?
11 June 2009

The Rainham Train Crash - This tragic event took place in the summer of 1944 and so hardly made the newspapers.
® Nothing - A word that has many meanings, and can be a noun, a pronoun, an adjective or an adverb.
QOTD: I want to make a new motto but my latin isn't good enough.
12 June 2009

Sleep Disorders - Proper sleep is essential.
Personality Disorders - Describing pathological abnormalities.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health - Different problems for children.
Eating Disorders - Self-imposed starvation and overeating.
Psychotic Disorders - Psychoses are often poorly understood.
Stress and Bereavement - Reactions to 'life events'.
Somatoform Disorders - Symptoms but with no medical explanation.
Alcohol and Substance Misuse - Drink and drugs and mental health.
Obstetric Mental Health - Relating to pregnancy and childbirth.
QOTD: I mean, I'm sure he's a jolly nice chap and all that, but I don't want to see any more exposed flesh than is strictly necessary.
15 June 2009

® West Country Skittles - Modernisation is rare in this game and the shape of the skittle changes as you cross from Somerset to Devon.
® Obstacles to Manned Space Exploration - An awful lot of energy is required to get a space shuttle into orbit.
QOTD: What would the Earth look like inside out?
16 June 2009

Alice B Toklas and Gertrude Stein - Commisioned to write a cookbook, Toklas included a whole lot more.
® Kate Bush: Singer/Songwriter - 'Wuthering Heights' appeared in the charts and immediately announced the arrival of a dazzling talent.
QOTD: I was inspired to look in the fridge but the closest thing I found was some suspicious-looking sardines. They're not usually furry, are they, sardines?
17 June 2009

® Irish Neolithic Tombs - There are the remains of more than 1,300 of these ancient tombs throughout the Emerald Isle.
® Ska - This infectious music was originally produced in Jamaica in the early 1960s by artists such as Prince Buster and Rosco Gordon.
QOTD: I love the buildup to thunderstorms, it's like waiting for the sky to sneeze
18 June 2009

Little Richard - A genuine rock 'n' roll legend who laid down the blueprint for a whole new genre of music.
® Stonechats - Saxicola torquatus is a tough little insectivore, one of the few insect-eating birds that is resident in the UK year-round.
QOTD: We r on r way. Cld u get some cabbages and if so cd u bring 6?
19 June 2009

® The Bus That Uncovered a Norwich Chalk Mine - In 1988 a bus fell into a hole in an East Anglian road and made an amazing discovery.
® Egyptian Mummies - The ancient Egyptians believed the spirits of the dead were tied to their Earthly bodies and could not exist separately.
QOTD: is it possible to sleep during tattooing????
22 June 2009

® Astral Projection - This non-scientific theory attempts to explain the perceived effects of meditation and 'out-of-body experiences'.
® The Charing Cross, London - Eleanor of Castile's body rested here for the final time, on its last journey from Lincoln to London in 1290.
QOTD: Almost all Irish people under 30 now speak with the same accent most of the time: Friends English. TV is the death of regional accents.
23 June 2009

'Strange Fruit': The Billie Holiday Song - A song about the torment and abuse which pervaded the lives of African-Americans in the US.
® Conceptual Tables - Purely conceptual tables are used in so many practical and educational ways that it boggles the imagination.
QOTD: things aren't that bad really … as long as you don't read newspapers
24 June 2009

The Last Act of Cannibalism in Fiji - This claimed the lives of English missionary, the Reverend Thomas Baker, and his accompanying party.
® Tai Chi Chuan - Many people have seen Tai Chi, the slow, rhythmic Chinese exercise; but what actually is it?
QOTD: I'm going to have a lay down in a cool dark and quiet room now.
25 June 2009

® How to Make a Basic Tassel - A bunch of yarn with one purpose: to make everyday objects look prettier.
® Memetics - This theory postulates that ideas behave in the collective consciousness of mankind in a similar way to genes in the gene pool.
QOTD: Please put the brownie points in my brownie point bank account.
26 June 2009

® Neptune - A gas giant like Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter, Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun, and very similar to Uranus.
® Drop the Dead Donkey, the TV Series - An award-winning office comedy and considered one of the great comedy series of the 1990s.
QOTD: He's as useful as a chocolate teapot
29 June 2009

Chalkida, Evia, Greece - This ancient city has been connected by a bridge to the Greek mainland since 411 BC.
® Early Electronic Computers - Fascinating look at Colossus, the first programmable electronic computer and LEO, the first office computer.
QOTD: Last time I kicked this laptop I lost EVERYTHING …
30 June 2009

® Isle Of Wight Shipwrecks: The Hundred Years War - One of a series of fascinating Entries that looks at history buried beneath the waves.
® Harrogate, North Yorkshire - William Slingsby turned Harrogate from a small hamlet into a thriving tourist and business attraction.
QOTD: I live in a country with a zillion sheep and wool socks here are really expensive. What's that about?
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