FrontPage Archive - March 2009

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2 March 2009

A very fluffy white Persian cat.Talking With Cats - A very satisfying Entry this, examining just how one might address a cat and also how to interpret its response.

'Maggie Thatcher, Your Boys Took a Hell of a Beating' - A piece of sporting commentary which has entered English folklore.

® The Greek Alphabet - Used throughout Greece and in parts of Cyprus; if you are going to these regions, it's well worth learning the alphabet.

QOTD: I tend to doodle flowers

3 March 2009

A sorrel coloured horse.The Hows And Whys Of Equine Cleaning - Grooming your horse has many benefits; most of all it is an excellent way to bond with it.

Anton Seidl, Conductor - His big break came when, on Wagner's recommendation, he was appointed to the Leipzig State Theatre.

® A Garden Wormery - An efficient, easy and environmentally friendly way of converting ordinary garden and kitchen waste into compost.

QOTD: That's a pretty earthcentric prejudice you got there mate.

4 March 2009

A chimp in a human setting.The Chimps' Tea Party - Zoos are educational places these days, but for much of the 20th Century they were principally for entertainment.

Melvin Burgess: Author - Considered a controversial yet captivating writer, Burgess's books are among the most influential of recent years.

® Living Statues - A popular form of street theatre whereby an actor will strike a pose and then stay very, very still.

QOTD: What food plants could be grown on a balcony?

5 March 2009

A cyclist navigates city traffic.Is It Safe to Cycle? - There's been a resurgence in the popularity of cycling due to congestion, fuel prices and environmental concerns.

The MacGuffin - It's not a flatulent Scottish seabird, but a mysterious object used solely as a plot device in various story-telling media.

® The Favourites Icon - You may have noticed a small graphic or icon lurking next to the URL in your browser address bar.

QOTD: Dating is a bit like a mans fancy silk tie or a womans fancy hair-do.

6 March 2009

A picture of Robert Burns with a scene from the north west Highlands of Scotland in the background.Robert Burns: The Ploughman Poet - Dead at 37, but alive long enough to leave behind a stunning body of work.

David Beckham's Red Card, St Etienne 1998 - Concerning Beckham's 'moment of madness' and the unwarranted vilification that ensued.

® The Word 'Well' - Today we pay homage to one of the most versatile words in the English language, the extraordinary word 'well'.

QOTD: What should I read next, and why?

9 March 2009

Some plums.The Agen Prunes of Lot-et-Garonne - Unlike the dried plums of so many school dinners, Pruneaux d'Agen are juicy, soft and sweet.

The Princes in the Tower - Two main theories have sought to unravel the 600-year-old mystery surrounding the two sons of Edward IV.

® Final Straw, the Snow Patrol Album - One of 2004's best-selling albums, it was in the UK Top 50 for over a year.

QOTD: I just spent £100 on a painting. I work for the NHS in a shed.

10 March 2009

Close-up of a man's open mouth expressing anger.An Idiot's Guide to Trolling - Trolling is the intensely annoying act of deliberately starting arguments on message boards.

Down's Syndrome - The most encountered chromosomal disorder, affecting physical appearance and the ability to develop mentally.

® Animals that Freeze Solid - An Entry on animals who survive winter by freezing solid but who then thaw out when spring arrives.

QOTD: Are larks really happy?

11 March 2009

Les Dennis dressed as pantomime stalwart Buttons for the television programme 'Extras.'Audience Participation in Pantomime - There are some events that can turn a group of British people into a highly emotional baying mob.

A Time Capsule in the Vaults of the Paris Opera - In 1907 lead urns containing recordings of the greatest stars of the era were buried.

® Bushido and the Warrior Arts - It's often associated with the concept of knightly chivalry in Europe, and certainly there are similarities.

QOTD: When it is a jar.

12 March 2009

A huge telescope outdoors, a silhouette of a man's head in the foreground and the number 42 faintly written in the clouds above.Occurrences of 42 in Astronomy - The number that clearly demonstrates the meaning of life also crops up a lot in astronomy.

Denial of Service Attacks - There are many ways in which a hacker can bring down a server or Internet connection.

® Texas Hold'em: the Poker Game - A game most players maintain 'takes a minute to learn and a lifetime to master'.

QOTD: No - I've never seen Star Wars. And now it's become an ambition to maintain this sorry state of affairs.

13 March 2009

A farmers' market outside a pub in Worcestershire.The New Organic: Eating Locally - Fresh food is on the agenda more than at any time since WWII, fuelled by a number of factors.

The Pipe Organ - It's one of the most complex constructions built by pre-electronics humankind and the loudest musical instrument by far.

® International Dining Etiquette - You've got your tickets, your money and your passport and all that is lacking is that social polish.

QOTD: Cos wivout a gud edukashun us wimmin wudna know how to turn the washy thing on!

16 March 2009

The interior of an office.People You REALLY Need to be Nice to in the Office - Generous advice on how to navigate the choppy waters of office politics.

English Chartered Markets: The Home Counties - The charter gave towns certain rights to hold markets on a particular day or days.

® The History of Toothpaste and Toothbrushes - The socially conducive practice of cleaning one's mouth dates back as far as records exist.

QOTD: If you read it and think 'I'm not *that* brilliant', then that's the right tone.

17 March 2009

Lauren Bacall.Lauren Bacall, Actress - This iconic actress was born Betty Joan Perske on 16 September, 1924, in Brooklyn, New York.

The End of the SS Canberra - An account of the fate of the erstwhile passenger-liner, troop ship, prisoner-of-war transport and cruiser.

® Half Man Half Biscuit, the Band - An affectionate look at Birkenhead's finest: four lads who shook the Wirral.

QOTD: The scarecrow won an award for being outstanding in his field.

18 March 2009

Seagulls in flight.The Rise of the Urban Seagull - Since the decline of the fishing industry, urban areas inland have a new unwelcome resident.

The Interesting Thoughts of Edward Monkton - Alter ego of Giles Andreae, creator of the Purple Ronnie greetings card series.

® Conceptual Tables - The most basic form of the conceptual table is a grid used to lay out content in tabular format.

QOTD: I've seen a Nobel laureate give a lecture using Comic Sans MS.

19 March 2009

Broccoli.Broccoli - Believed to have originated in the eastern Mediterranean, it was cultivated and used in cooking by the ancient Greeks and Romans.

Giovanni Vigliotto - Born Fred Jiff, he changed his name and occupation for almost every courtship with bored, middle-aged targets.

® Radioactivity - This term was coined by Pierre and Marie Curie to describe a weird phenomenon that happens with certain substances.

QOTD: What soundtrack would suit the Front Page?

20 March 2009

A dirty hand.Filth: What Is It Good For? - Is our obsession with the removal of dirt actually a bit counter-productive, leaving us more vulnerable?

Teenage Drinking - Binge drinking is a quite a problem in the UK, especially among teenagers. But are we as adults to blame?

® Netball - Once considered the domain of schoolgirls in little pleated skirts, the sport of netball is earning a bit more respect these days.

QOTD: How about a big, shouty voice saying: … 'HEY EVERYBODY! This guy's slacking off at work again!!!'

23 March 2009

A pair of wolves.Wolves - So often the villain in fairytales, they actually learned a long time ago not to interact with humans: most actively avoid them.

® Thornborough Henge Complex - This North Yorkshire site is relatively unknown, yet comes with a pedigree that invites many superlatives.

® PTFE - An introduction to polytetrafluoroethene, which is the most slippery substance in the world.

QOTD: I do like a decent cup of tea though, and I do tend to get through adverse situations with a stiff upper lip.

24 March 2009

Close-up of a human eye.Posterior Vitreous Detachment - As we age the vitreous mass gradually shrinks and falls away from the retina.

® Night Photography - Clear skies make for moody moonlit scenes while rain can bring concrete to life with reflections from shop windows.

® Hans Christian Andersen: Author - His stories stand the test of time and are admired throughout the world by young and old alike.

QOTD: Wouldn't you have to munch an awful lot of rosemary and thyme to get any benefit?

25 March 2009

A lit candle.'Positive Atheism' - Thoughtful Entry about a form of atheism that encourages peaceful cohabitation with religious individuals.

® 'An Alpine Symphony' by Richard Strauss - This work tells the story of a group of mountain climbers ascending one of the Alps.

® Sweet Baked Plantains: 'Platanos Dulce' - A simple Cuban recipe which requires very little effort but produces a lovely result.

QOTD: But I always see it as sort of the Town Centre of hootooville. The place "where its at" as it were.

26 March 2009

A selection of Valentine cards and gifts in a shop display.Valentine: Saint or Slave to Commerce? - Is there any validity in the history of the 'commercial bonanza' that is Valentine's Day?

® Fids and Marline Spikes - These are used to prise and then keep apart the strands of a rope during manufacture, repair and maintenance.

® Tambora - Perhaps the greatest volcanic eruption in recorded history, its power altered the global climate for years afterwards.

QOTD: That was years ago, when I still had hair.

27 March 2009

The Globe Theatre on Bankside, London.The Royal Shakespeare Company - Despite its world-wide reputation, the RSC is a relatively modern phenomenon.

® Life Expectancy Profiles - Buried within your country's national statistics website are tables known as 'life tables'.

® Calculating the Day of the Week - You probably know what day it is today, but what about dates in the recent past, or in the near future?

QOTD: Maybe it unleashes a terrible Chaos God who has so far been restrained in the block of ice he was banished to long ago?

30 March 2009

Holly in winter.A Celebration of Holly - Native to the UK and Ireland, Holly is also found on every other continent except Antarctica and Australasia.

® 42 Amazing Facts About Sawdust - Excellent Entry written in praise of sawdust, 'one of the most useful by-products on the planet'.

® Spanish Customs - Spain is a beautiful country and this is a gentle introduction to its siestas, fiestas and Flamenco.

QOTD: look closer its a beam or shaft of light from a hole somewhere illuminating the back wall and a couple of bits of rubbish caught on the grill, our eyes are just filling in the rest, a' la' the canals of mars effect

31 March 2009

A station on the Paris Metropolitan.A Short Break in Paris - Your experience in the city can be enhanced by making a few simple preparations in advance.

® Joan Hickson, Actress - She was most famous for her appearances in the television adaptations of Agatha Christie's Miss Marple.

® Mary Shelley's Frankenstein - A tale that would echo in eternity for its chilling Gothic nature and black satire upon human creativity.

QOTD: Every time someone says that man is created in the image of god, I have to laugh.


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