Societies, Sites, and Services Offered By Muses

29 Conversations


Muses are busy, creative individuals. We don't JUST INSPIRE people, you know!!!


(note:These societies appear in no particular order, as Dragonfly, page editor, loves hapless, happy disorganization...)


aka has established the Cheesecake and Chocolate Milk Appreciation Society, a true place for any true Muse.

RedFish runs RedFish's Lair(someday, yes, this shall be a great society)

Muses Mina and Galaxy Babe have established The Chocolate Lover's Club

The all-important Classic Goo Fan Club is also run by Mina

Pegasus is a co-founder-person of H2G2 Vegetarian Society

The h2g2 Choral Society is co-Founded and Webmastered by Ottox

When you get around to it, Goshoogoshoogosh would most appreciate a visit to his Procrastinator's Society

A place for Pagan Discussion has been set up by Kazzikins: Pagan Discussion


(see note2)

(note/warning:These seem to be mostly bars...)

RedFish wants you to visit The Hero's Head, his bar at his lair.

Apollo's Mount Olympus hosts battles for gods and godesses. Enjoy a clash of the Titans or the view from atop the mountain.

The House of the Rising Sun is a LOVELY bar established by St. Lizard Prince, who invites everyone into his House.

Kasia proudly presents The Crossed Purposes Pub, with its friendly atmosphere, couches and hearths(and the famous cats Sophocles and Plato!!!!).

The Ministry of Jelly, lovingly brought our way by Tinkerbell, is a fine site to see...

The Black Racoon brings us The Hangover Hole, a "dark but not at all depressing" bar with a circular bar and "drinks proven to cure any possible hangover". Try them for yourself!!!

Drop into Ye olde Hoopoe's for a bit of Englander's home-made brew!!!

Trot over to Asteroid Lil's Blue Steed Equestrian Center... she'll probably let you feed the horses if you ask nicely...

Step on up to Sad, Mad or Bad's Haiku Challenge

The ONLY bar with a Foam Roam is Clelba's Wild Clean Bar, which also offers a variety of drinks and a Snooker Table.

Are you looking for an animal companion!?? Please visit aka's Pet Store.

Find sunshine and something for everyone at Joe's h2g2 Municipal Park, complete with a playground, softball and rugby pitches, archery butts, woods, and more...

All are welcome to enjoy H2G2's Only Japanese Maple, courtesy of Pinwheel Pearl.

Lodestone presents a Debatin' Society.


(see note2)

Well, aren't you hungry!?? Satisfy your hunger at Joanna's Donut Stall... yum!!!

Pegasus offers the MOST IMPORTANTH2G2 Addiction Clinic(Should be often visited by the editor of this page)...

Kristina can educate anyone on the art of FLAMEnco dance at the Flamenco Tablao

The Fish Adoption Scheme(F.A.S.) is brought to us by tummyfish.

Titania has become an expert Noticeboard keeper(as far as I know, it's the only one I have seen...)

You'll find that Galaxy Babe has maintained a userpage most informative regarding astronomy(check out her Astronomy Picture of the Day

Dear muse Witty Moniker gives you the personal treatment as well, when you visit her 24Seven Store!!!

In the Making, Muses and Others Needed to Help...

Kumetanzuka will be found at the Terran Embassy Office, working on her Tower of Babel Project!!!

Just what we need!!! A "doctor's" office for when we need to call in sick from work!!! Broelan offers us a way to justify the Sick Day!!!

The Messy Haven, complete with the Messalot Library, is kept in a glorious mess by owners Muppet and Lady Elly

Love, admire, adore, and celebrate one another at the Mutual Admiration Social Club(MASC), inspired by Shea and Goshoogoshoogosh

All talentless musicians finally have their own club!!! Dunky has established the Talentless Musicians Club. It's about time.... provided the musicians have any sense of time(rythm) at all...

Shea the Sarcastic offers culture and education at Langwich Skool uv Noo Yawk. Class is in session.

Shea also warmly welcomes the appropriate researchers to join her at the North Eastern US Researchers Group.

Pegasus has established the Missing Person's Page, a most important service for lost and found researchers.


Ze Psychiatrist's Couch is offered by Trin for your mental and emotional well-being.

Tattoos are NOW AVAILABLE at Infinity's House of Tattoos. YAY!!!

Not to let Shea have all the fun and glory, Broelan has established the Central US Researcher's Group.

Visit Joe's Kangaroo Court, where JUSTICE IS DONE!!!

"Real-life medical drama evolves before you(with a bad sountrack by the h2g2 Orchestra) at the h2g2 General Hospital, brought to us by Joe.

Moonglums' Speciality Brain Care Clinic is now open to the public-- not a Psychiatry service, but a councelling service for people who need a shoulder to cry on or a pat on the back for something they've done. A sympathetic voice in the wilderness.

The Hot Spot was created by Apollo to provide a place for everyone to hold a party. You've got to check it out!!!

Please Patronize

Everyone appreciates business, and who can resist making a new friend!?? Please visit one of the aforementioned Societies, Sites, and Services today!!!

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