6 Conversations


Maybe you live in the American West and you'll just find it comfortable here. Maybe you live in deepest urban Europe and you've always wanted to strap on a gunbelt, jump on your paint quarterhorse and ride out onto the range. Whatever your reason for coming, welcome to the ranch!

There used to be an eastern-style equestrian center here, next to a farm, and it was all under the care of Crater Labs and Asteroid Lil. Now that Lil has moved to the West, however, it seems appropriate to merge the two outfits.

We Herd Gnus

We're really into nature conservancy here, so the gnus are our pride and joy. Bluebottle is head wrangler of gnus, and sometimes we cut out the biggest ones and have a rodeo. There's a large remuda of horses as well as two Clydesdales for draft work, and Amos, the stable manager, looks after all the riding stock.

The interior of H2G2 Island is a warren of pleasant trails for riding, but if you like to be constructive, we have a lot of fence to ride, and we welcome anybody who wants to go check on the herd or hunt for coyote.

There's a big apple orchard here as well fields of barley, oats and hay. We also raise hops, currants, sugar beet and peaches. And other things.

You're welcome to gather in the tack and feed room, in the farmhouse kitchen, at the bunkhouse, or find adventure somewhere in the fields and woodland and even mesas that comprise this ranch.

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