Created | Updated May 6, 2009
Welcome to the h2g2 Museum of Avatars
This is a collection of researchers who use animal or plant names or avatars.
- Plants
- Azara microphylla variegata - Azara
- Carya ovata - Shagbark - Hickory
- Galanthus nivalis - SnowDrop
- Mandragora officinarum - Mandragora Scrymidden - Mandrake
- Fungi
- Amanita muscaria - Sergeant Mushroom
- Invertebrates
- Single-cell entities
- Worms
- Arachnids
- Slugs and Snails
- Insects
- Archangel Dragonfly
- Amy the Ant
- Bluebottle
- Blue Darner - a dragonfly
- Floh - a flea
- omylouse - formerly and formally "Saffron"
- the other omylouse
- Wumbeevil (a Booneristic speetle)
- Vertebrates
- Fish
- Birds
- Amphibians
- Niwt - a newt who can't spell
- Reptiles
- Dinosaurs
- Mammals
- Rodents
- Anonymouse
- Minicheesemouse
- h2g2mice
- hammythamster
- Mikey the Humming Mouse
- MrLemming
- pheloxi* - a mouse in a cat's body
- Rat
- Styx the Rat
- Zeb - a shrew
- Insectivores
- Felines
- Canines
- Mustelines
- Seals (Pinnipedae)
- Pinniped - a European Grey seal
- Artiodactyla
- Elephants
- d'Elaphant
- Mammuthus Primigenius - a woolly mammoth
- Cetacea
- Tubulidentata
- Monotremes & marsupials
- Primates