Welcome to the Home of the Just-Boiled Kettle. Come in and grab a seat, have a cup of tea or perhaps a cafettiere of Italian coffee. Or maybe if your sun's over your yardarm, some beer from the Caledonian Brewery (we are in Edinburgh, Scotland after all), or something from my selection of malt whiskies? Make yourself at home, whatever you're having. So yes, I live in Edinburgh - "The Athens of the North", I work in radio as a broadcast engineer, I'm chronologically late forties but mentally about 12, and Spiny is what I've been known as IRL for years. In here I tend to stick to a few fora where the conversation is stimulating, such as Lil's Atelier, the British English thread, and so on, with occasional forays into role-play sites. And since I like my hobbies to revolve around music and technology, I have started the...

Due to my own consuming (and doubtless nerdy) pre-occupation with trying to re-create convincing musical performances in my living room with a pile of gear my partner barely tolerates, I thought it might be nice to have a place I could go where similarly-afflicted audiophiles gather to talk about the relative merits of bi-amping, CD versus vinyl, the recordings that really shake the cobwebs out of the corners, and so on. If you love the kit nearly as much as the music, come along to THE HI FI CLUB ROOMS and join the rest of us who can't sit through one side of a record without getting up to move a speaker two inches...
Her Royal Greeebo-ness
Lovers of feline fur can join with me in showing our appreciation for the very existence of Greebo T. Cat. Yours truly is proud to have this badge to hang on the wall of my humble abode. Have YOU joined the Greebo Appreciation Society yet?
If you want your home page to have this stylish adornment, go here click and ask our feline friend to accept you as one of us (no, I'm not paid to have this here...) There's also a friendly place where the landlady just happens to be a cat: check out the Chesire Grin Inn: Mine's a Pint
Latest Messages
Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Missing researcher | Jan 23, 2002 |
Cook, I need your help on deck | Sep 1, 2001 |
Spiny, you're invited ... | Aug 8, 2001 |
Organ Transplant | Jul 18, 2001 |
You are now Captain of the Moat Police | Jun 14, 2001 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
British English - the sequel | Jul 10, 2001 | Mar 31, 2015 |
Toasted Sandwiches | Jul 19, 1999 | May 3, 2014 |
More... | Dec 13, 1999 | Jun 25, 2010 |
Cliche Film Situations | Dec 8, 2000 | Jan 10, 2009 |
Cocney Rhyming Slang | Jul 29, 1999 | Oct 2, 2007 |
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- The 1970s - Memories of the Decade
- The 1970s - Fashion
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- The 1970s
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."