Umm, what can I write?
I amused myself one lonely night by logging back in, remembering friends and fun, and being nostalgic. And do you know what greeted me? I was 5th from the top on the "members online" pop-up!!! 5th!?! That's madness people - have you seen how high my member number is!?!? 113604!!! That's more than the population of the city I now live in!
Shocking... Though I suppose I can't really say anything - it's been two years since I last logged in, and the fact that I remembered my username and password was a combination of a miracle, a dangerously unsafe level of password-changing and a little determination!
Your Normal, Bog-Standard, zzzzzzzzz Type Introduction
Insane Endeavour is *YET still* a rather mad individual of height about 5'3". She now knows she is never going to grow taller than this, as at 23 she's done all her growing! She enjoys LotR (runs the uni Tolkien Society) and all Hitchhiker's stuff.
She currently finds herself in the following capacities:
- No longer fighting various Evil Genius entities
- Still owner of the, very redundant, H2G2 Towel Shop
- Minister of Inane and Elongated Conversations (or would that be Elongated and Inane) - oops, not been fulfilling that role very well have I!
- Eating far too much pizza
in order to write a nicely filling, slightly spicy, not too chewy entry on Pizza Express Restaurants - Procrastinating my way through a PhD in Archaeology at Exeter uni*
- Trying to get every smiley into this page... somehow.
To Douglas Adams:
We will all miss you. Thank you for your amazing contribution to the galaxy in which we live. The world of Mostly Harmless would still be nothing without you.
Insane Endeavour
No great man lives in vain. The history of the world is but the biography of great men. - Thomas Carlyle
My other homepage - non h2g2. All suggestions welcome.
Latest Messages
Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
i finally found you (sniff) | Aug 1, 2004 |
I'm going away.... NOOOO! | Jan 3, 2004 |
Pern, HHGTTG... | Jan 17, 2002 |
Reading | Aug 31, 2001 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
Season Two - Beyond the Galaxy! | Oct 1, 2000 | Sep 25, 2011 |
More... | Apr 20, 2000 | Jun 25, 2010 |
Usurped! USURPED, I tell you! | Aug 17, 2007 | Aug 18, 2007 |
Hello! | Aug 8, 2000 | Jul 17, 2007 |
Really am back | Apr 30, 2005 | Aug 8, 2006 |
Insane Endeavour
Researcher U113604
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."