A loveable furry cuddly cute kitty

who lives in the cellar in the Forum and Firkin with a tentacle.



Down in the cellar of the Forum and Firkin is a dark set of rooms, lit by a pavement "light" window. Little squares of bottle thick green glass that let distorted chinks of light through.

The cellar is really very very old, much older than many other parts of the guide. But that is the way with real pubs, they spring up on older sites. They have HISTORY even before they are built. Ghosts, myths, legends, creatures, visitors, regulars....

The pub cellar is the first of a series of arched domed rooms, made of ancient stone. The vaulted ceilings are remaniscent of the oldest of cellars, the floor of cracked stone slabs uneven to the step.

The stairs down to the cellar are stone too, worn down in the middle from the years of treking up and down and down and up by countless landlords.

In the cellar are many barrels and racks of wine, stretching out into the dark, dusty distance. If you went too far in the wrong direction, you would probably end up in something similar but not quite like L-space; P-space.

In the middle of the main cellar is a wooden, solid oak trapdoor. The door is reinforced with black iron bars. Across the door are three solid looking iron bars. At both ends of each of the bars are solid stops, which are hammered into place and look totally un-moveable. Someone wants THIS door to stay shut. However, sometimes these bars have been known to work themselves loose, somehow the stops come free of their own accord and the bars slide easily out of place.

The landlords rarely come down the steps without checking it is safe first.

No pub is the same without its pet. They are usually a cat or a dog, although iguanas and other creatures have been known. Some pets are friendly creatures, others are loners, some are standoffish, others will attack at a moment's notice.

In the corner of the cellar, next to the chimney wall that links with the ovens in the pub kitchen, is a pile of the oldest barrels, covered with piles of rugs and tarpaulins but surprisingly little dust. This corner isn't the best place to store alcohol, being slightly above the usual frigid cellar temperature. These barrels don't contain the usual liquids though. These barrels contain drinks that are rarely heard of outside the deepest realms of P-space. Only the most hardened drinkers at the Forum and Firkin dare even breathe the names of these beverages.

Upon this pile, relaxing in the warmth, is our "pet".


The pub's cook's own much beloved Cave Lion. A throwback to the age of the very first time a human ever discovered how to make alcohol. Cave Lions are accustomed to the frigid cold of a cave in the winter of an ice age. Compared to this, the cellar is a vacation in the sun.

This Cave Lion is rather large. Bigger than a very large elephant. If he rubs against your legs you KNOW it. When he purrs, people look for the thunderclouds or the steam trains. When he roars...

Kitty is loveable really, just don't disturb him or annoy him. If you have to replace the barrels or find an ordered wine, bring cake. And not just any cake. Special cake. The cook's own secret recipe.

Kitty has many friends in the Guide, including Ændr, Menza, Pandora, Joanna, Cakewalker, Redbeard and Tatty among others too numerous to list.

The H2G2 Natural History Museum

Natural History Museum Logo You can find me in the H2G2 Natural History Museum run by Amy the Ant.


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