FrontPage Archive - December 2008

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1 December 2008

Chichen Itza.Chichen Itza, the Mayan City - This UNESCO World Heritage Site is situated in the Yucatán area in the east of Mexico.

The Horsehead Nebula - According to professional astronomers, more questions are asked about this than any other deep space object.

® Joan Hickson, Actress - Her depiction of Agatha Christie's elderly sleuth Miss Marple was unrivalled by any other before or since.

QOTD: i went to school with bono, edge and larry.

2 December 2008

Actress Jane Lapotaire as Marie Curie.Marie Curie (1867 - 1934) - One of the most celebrated female scientists who helped discover polonium and radium.

The Cuica, a Brazilian Drum - Fascinating instrument described as a 'friction drum' that sometimes goes by the name of 'laughing gourd'.

® Teddies and 'Real' Bears - They were immensely popular in Edwardian Britain and have continued to go in and out of fashion ever since.

QOTD: However, as an interesting topological experiment I'd like to put room 101 in room 101.

3 December 2008

Cuttlefish in camouflage mode.Nature's Ingenuity at Camouflage - Some creatures evolved to match their surroundings, whereas others manipulate their skin colour.

Williamina Fleming - This Scottish astronomy pioneer struggled for recognition in a male-dominated profession.

® The Secret Policeman's Ball - In 1976, representatives of Amnesty International asked John Cleese for fundraising ideas.

QOTD: Have to say I wasn't a big fan of Austin's passo - well the shouty bit at the start, it just gave me the giggles.

4 December 2008

An example of a mathematical knot.Mathematical Knots - The continuous loops of various mathematical knots are brilliantly explained in this clearly-written Entry.

Orchids of the British Isles - An introduction to a wonderful set of Entries on the largest family of flowering plants in the world.

® Handy Uses For Household Vinegar - There's more to vinegar than splashing it on fish and chips; it also has many handy household uses.

QOTD: Is this a first? … Someone actually wanting to here *more* of Bernard Cribbins?

5 December 2008

Cabbages on an allotment.Cabbages - They may not be the most glamorous of vegetables, but they have been a staple part of our diet for over 4,000 years.

Der Hauptmann von Koepenick - The real-life story of Friedrich Wilhelm Voigt has been described as a 'German fairytale'.

® The Platypus - A creature so strange that in 1798 it was proclaimed a hoax by the British scientific community.

QOTD: Move yourself and your house to Australia, and you'll find that *presto!* Your ceiling is now your floor! … Simply affix the carpet in the normal manner, then move back to the UK.

8 December 2008

The Cenotaph in Whitehall.The Importance of British First World War Memorials - The sheer number of memorials in existence attests to the war's impact.

Orchids of the British Isles: Animal Nomenclature - This group's common names reflect a passing resemblance to an animal or insect.

® The Standard Model of Particle Physics - This is the best theory currently available to answer the question 'What is the world made of?'.

QOTD: Thanks, I've just sprayed coffee all over my computer screens and keyboard!

9 December 2008

Some coal.How to Build a House from Coal - Or rather, this Entry shows us how to build a house using 'by-products from the combustion of coal'.

British Orchids: Bogs, Fens and Marshes - Next in an excellent set of Entries, today we look at orchids that grow on our marshlands.

® Tower Bridge, London, UK - One of London's most iconic landmarks, it is regarded by some to be the capital's 'most glamorous' bridge.

QOTD: the universe sucks!!!!!

( QOTD: The universe sucks!!!!!! )

10 December 2008

Statue of Gandhi.Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi: Part One - First part of a totally absorbing four-part series of Entries on the great Indian leader.

The BACH Theme - A short and slightly 'unmusical' theme that Johann Sebastian Bach eventually developed in his later years.

® Yellowstone National Park - An overlooked but major part of Yellowstone's history involves its very first inhabitants.

QOTD: I remember a conversation once where we decided that for some reason double barrelled English place names sounded funnier than single ones, for example: Chipping Norton sounds funnier than Abingdon, Potter's Bar sounds funnier than Barnet.

11 December 2008

A carved Mayan image.Ancient Mayan Cultures - The cultures of Central America are recognised as one of the great early centres of human civilisation.

South Australia - Did you know that after New Zealand, South Australia was the second place in the world to grant universal suffrage?

® Cuban Roast Pork: 'Lechon Asado' - It can be cooked with garlic, marinated in 'mojo' or used as an ingredient in a Cuban sandwich.

QOTD: In the 90s it was e-this and e-that, and now it is i-everything. I wonder which letter we shall be using in the next decade when i- is just so noughties...

12 December 2008

The Melbourne skyline overlooking the River Yarra.Victoria, Australia - Its capital is Melbourne, arguably the best city in Australia, although anyone from Sydney will tell you otherwise!

British Orchids: Helleborines - These are divided into two genera, Epipactis and Cephalanthera, the latter being the focus of this Entry.

® The Full Moons: What's in a Name? - The full moons all have different names, but where did these names come from? What do they mean?

QOTD: you know the harmonic singing of crosby, stills, nash and young, right? … you know the beach boys? … you know the bee gees? … well, these are just three of the groups klingon singing sound nothing like

15 December 2008

All things Yellow: a Care Bear beneath the sun.Yellow: the Sunshine Colour - A cornucopia of golden nuggets of information all concerning the third colour of our visible spectrum.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Part Two) - Second part in a great four-parter sees Gandhi's return and fight for Indian independence.

® Cross Country Running - Contrary to what a lot of people might think, cross country is not just a sport concerned with mindless running.

QOTD: How cold is too cold for cats?

16 December 2008

The Mayan ruin of Palenque.Palenque, The Mayan City - This ruin of one of the most prosperous of all Mayan cities became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987.

Bikini Alert - Intriguing and informative Entry explaining the code that is specifically used to classify terrorist threats.

® The Giant Carrion Flower - Also known as Stapelia Gigantea, it's the largest flowered succulent plant species in the world.

QOTD: Poor Debbie McGee. … Never thought I'd be saying that.

17 December 2008

A bee orchidBritish Orchids: The Insect Mimics - These beguiling, remarkable orchids take on the aspect of bees, flies and spiders.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi: Part Three - Continuing with this excellent series of Entries which sees Gandhi visit London.

® The Romans in Britain: Agriculture - For the Romans, agriculture was essential, providing food and the chance to trade.

QOTD: My mother used to insist that I call the milkman 'Daddy'...

18 December 2008

A solitary apple.Unity: the Number One - It's the first number we register in counting, yet we reserve the description 'number' for items in plural.

The Atheist Bus Campaign - A response to a perceived increase in the number of adverts for Christianity appearing on London buses.

® Ear Wax - Produced in the outer ear, this cerumen-heavy substance plays a vital part in cleaning and protecting the ear.

QOTD: "Star Wars", for example, is not science fiction, it is "space opera".

19 December 2008

People walking past a Marks and Spencer store.The History of Marks and Spencer - 'Marks and Sparks' actually started out as a little market stall in Leeds over 100 years ago.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi: Part Four - Concluding Entry on the Indian leader's turbulent and ultimately tragic final years.

® Champagne and Sparkling Wine - There's nothing quite like popping open a bottle of bubbly for celebrating the moment!

QOTD: To be honest, all I remember about Blake's Seven is that in the far future the humble bra will become obselete as an item of female clothing...

22 December 2008

Tikal, located in modern Guatemala.Tikal, The Mayan City - This UNESCO World Heritage Site is the ruin of arguably the greatest Mayan city of all time.

Hawksbill Turtles - These magnificent creatures are the only species in their genus and are listed as critically endangered.

® How to Make Vinyl Bowls - CDs and MP3s may have replaced them but it doesn't mean you should throw your 45s away.

QOTD: "I'm glad I'm not a spider - I'd be terrified of myself!"

23 December 2008

Walnuts split in half.Decorative Nutcrackers: a Christmas Tradition - Often shaped like a person, these nutcrackers do the job our human hands simply cannot.

The Drawer - Every household has one of these, an indispensable drawer jam-packed full of ultimately rather dispensable stuff.

® Real Bread-making - Bread made from whole and natural ingredients is a staple food providing integral protein, carbohydrates and fibre.


24 December 2008

A section of the Queensland coastline.Queensland, Australia - The vastness of this state is indicated by the first sign on the way out of Brisbane Airport: Cairns 1699km.

The Lady's-slipper Orchid - Probably the most eye-catching of all the British orchids, its flower stem is born from a rosette of large leaves.

® Astral Projection - A non-scientific theory that attempts to explain the perceived effects of meditation and 'out of body experiences'.

QOTD: Merry Christmas to one and all on H2G2, … except of course if you do not recognise or celebrate Christmas

29 December 2008

A San Francisco Cable Car.The Cable Cars of San Francisco - Part of the city's heritage, this is the only place in the world where cable cars are still running.

New South Wales, Australia - The state has the dubious honour of being where most of the European settlers were dumped.

® How to Practise Music - If you're thinking of taking up a musical instrument, here are some useful pointers to help you along the way.

QOTD: I am fed up with having to remove tide marks from clean cutlery that hasn't been allowed to dry properly

30 December 2008

A spotted orchid.British Orchids: Dactylorhiza - Their habitat ranges from roadside verges to dense marshland, from gardens to golf courses.

The Crab Nebula - A fantastic object in the night sky, described by astronomers as 'the mess that is left when a star explodes.'

® The Commedia dell'Arte - This is believed to have begun in Italy, though itinerant bands of players would have travelled all of Europe.

QOTD: New Orleans, piano man, turkey twizzlers, Countdown.

31 December 2008

Uxmal.Uxmal, The Mayan City - Located in Mexico, this ancient and spectacular ruin has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1996.

Class and Citizenship in the Roman Republic - It is a popular myth that rulers were Patrician and common people were Plebeian.

® This Page Intentionally Left Blank - Found in instruction manuals, it's one of the oddest sentences in the English language.

QOTD: You can't have too many socks.


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