FrontPage Archive - September 2008

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1 September 2008

Guns.The Second Amendment to the US Constitution - 26 words have dictated the regulation of firearms in the US for over 200 years.

Horologium, 'the Pendulum Clock' - There are no Messier objects in this southern constellation, but there is a globular star cluster.

® The Art of the Martini - An attempt at explaining the secrets and mysteries of a drink that is often mixed but rarely perfected.

QOTD: There's adders, and hornets...and stinging nettles! Who says there's nothing dangerous in the UK?

2 September 2008

A backpacker.Tips for Backpackers: Planning and Packing - How to prepare the groundwork for a relatively pain-free expedition.

Carina, 'the Keel' - This southern hemisphere constellation boasts the second brightest star viewable from Earth (excluding the Sun).

® Organic Coffee - It's a consumer-conscious alternative to 'conventional' coffee, but how do you know when you're really buying 'green beans'?

QOTD: You're forgetting the left-handed and right-handed haggis of the highlands, differentiated by the left or right feet being longer than the other.

3 September 2008

An Ophan and a Cherub - two Biblical angels.Angels And Their Classification - The celestial beings envisioned by religious prophets differ markedly from those portrayed in films.

Musca, 'the Fly' - The main stars of this small southern constellation have an arm of the Milky Way as a backdrop.

® Kate Bush - This singer-songwriter managed to appeal to the broader-minded members of both the warring tribes in late 1970s British rock.

QOTD: Surely it's everywhere? Just drill to a depth of 65 million years ...

4 September 2008

A rather grubby chef manfully struggles with an old-style potato peeler.How to Use a Speed Peeler - Be careful, as the blades on this are very sharp and will peel human skin just as fast as vegetables.

Dorado - the Dorado fish - This constellation is not visible from Europe or the Middle East due to its southerly location.

® Diana Wynne Jones: Author - A British writer of fantasy novels and short stories that appeal to both children and adults.

QOTD: They're trained attack moustaches …

5 September 2008

A man sneezing.Noses - Drying the Sniffles - Some of us seem to suffer on a regular basis with a runny nose or fits of sneezing. It's not nice.

Serpens, 'the Serpent' - This is the only constellation to occupy two separate portions of the sky.

® Helene Hanff: Author - She became a celebrated author thanks to letters she wrote to a bookshop at 84 Charing Cross Road.

QOTD: My paternal family tree consists of a long line of coal miners and village idiots,whilst my half-sisters paternal line can be traced all the way back to Sir Isaac Newton.

8 September 2008

An egg - but how the devil do you cook it?Devilled Eggs - These highly-spiced appetisers are cut in half lengthwise, and the yolk area replaced with a pâté filling.

Sagitta, 'the Arrow' - This northern star grouping was featured in Ptolemy's Almagest and so is classed as 'ancient'.

® Columbo: Television Detective - Played by Peter Falk, he is a brilliant yet dishevelled icon of the small screen.

QOTD: Maybe I should change my sign to read "I don;t mind being dug up by archaeologists" or something to prevent future ethical debates.

9 September 2008

An apple.The German Apple Front - Die Front Deutscher Apfel are anti-right-wing and 'foreign' (non-German) apples give them the pip.

The Gay Bomb Proposal - Astonishing account of a US Military proposal to 'ingeniously' incite homosexual behaviour in the enemy.

® The East End of London, UK - A vibrant place long imbued with a 'mythical spirit of togetherness' after the ravages of World War II.

QOTD: If you say "John has a lovely bunch of coconuts" … "John" is the subject and "has a lovely bunch of coconuts" is the rest.

10 September 2008

A steam train at Cleethorpes Coast Light Railway.Cleethorpes Coast Light Railway, Lincolnshire - This tourist attraction is enjoyed by around 150,000 passengers every year.

Telescopium, 'the Telescope' - The main feature of this constellation is the 'L' shape formed by the stars epsilon, alpha and zeta Telescopii.

® Being a Blood Donor in the UK - Though the idea of donating scares some people, it really doesn't hurt that much.

QOTD: In short, Gordon the Gopher was a legend. It's a mystery how his sidekick Philip Schofield is still going.

11 September 2008

The Headington Shark.The Headington Shark - An ordinary Oxfordshire semi-detached house, except for a whacking great big shark sticking out of its roof.

Quick Cinnamon Nut Buns - Easy to make and tasty for breakfast, these little buns may have a positive effect on your life.

® The Standard Model of Particle Physics - The best theory currently available to answer the question 'What is the world made of?'

QOTD: So, the world failed to come to an end this morning. Still, I had a nice dinner. Smoked eel salad and roasted monkfish with chorizo, since you asked...foloowed by a good selection of French & English cheeses.

12 September 2008

Some bottles of brown sauce.Brown Sauce - It's an important ingredient in the Great British Breakfast. Why not try to make your own?

Tips for Backpackers: Avoiding Pitfalls - You'll get lost. Repeatedly. Here's how best to cope with any setbacks.

® Chibuku: 'Shake Shake' - An intoxicating African beverage made by adding yeast to a thin grey-pink, gruel-like maize porridge.

QOTD: how cool would it be to be sucked into a black hole though???

15 September 2008

Image on a TV screen of the countdown to a Columbia Space Shuttle Launch.The Columbia Shuttle Disaster - Excellent account of the tragedy and subsequent investigation which halted the shuttle programme.

Gregory Lemarchal - Hugely talented and inspiring French rock 'n' roll singer and dancer who also suffered from cystic fibrosis.

® Hives - Hives is the more commonly-known word for urticaria and is an allergic skin rash which is sometimes known as 'nettle rash'.

QOTD: Voice wreck ignition soft where … Can it ever suck seed?

16 September 2008

Worcester, overlooking the River Severn.English Chartered Markets: The South Midlands, East Anglia and Wales - Many historic market towns were established by Royal Charter.

Ellis Peters, Author - This Shropshire author's most famous creation is Brother Cadfael, the mystery-solving monk.

® Wartime Use of Conkers - During the First World War, the government regarded the collection of conkers as 'invaluable war work.'

QOTD: Nothing much to add, sorry - but I just wanted to be the first to get to say 'nictitating membrane'.

17 September 2008

Winnie the Pooh in a terracotta 'hunny' pot.Winnie the Pooh - Hugely enjoyable Entry that explores the source and inspiration for AA Milne's endurable classic literary creation.

James Madison: Fourth President of the United States - A great thinker, Madison did not always show good judgment in office.

® Baking Soda - It is not widely known that one of the most wonderful culinary products in the world is baking soda.

QOTD: Hmmm one should always strive to be ept, and full of gorm.

18 September 2008

A man and a woman search for accommodation.How To Find A New Flat In A Hurry - Sometimes you don't get much notice when you need to move home. This Entry is here to help you.

Indus - This constellation was named after the four tribes of people who originally lived in the Americas.

® Columbus, Ohio - This US city, known as 'cow town' by residents, was named after Christopher Columbus and founded in 1797.

QOTD: Seems a little odd since the Earth and all the characters were destroyed in every possible reality. How do you follow that up?

19 September 2008

Backpacker.Tips for Backpackers - More well great advice from a seasoned traveller; you'll be digging your rucksack out before you know it.

Corona Australis 'the Southern Crown' - Laurel crowns were a sign of victory, and this curved line of stars forms a similar shape.

® A Guide to Icelandic Pronunciation - Icelandic has a simple phonetic pronunciation system, so it's actually quite easy to pronounce.

QOTD: Who am I kidding? I hang around in front of the computer so much the salt and pepper shakers now live on my desk rather than the kitchen table.

22 September 2008

Colin Jackson CBE.Colin Jackson CBE - This former hurdler has remained in the media spotlight as a television presenter.

'Shark Summer': New Jersey, 1916 - 100 years ago the prevailing wisdom was that sharks never preyed in shallow water.

® Wicca - This is a 'do-it-yourself' religion: Wiccans have no clergy who claim to speak for the Gods.

QOTD: Armageddon outta here!!!

23 September 2008

The Victoria Cross.William Hall VC - A salutary tale of loyalty and bravery concerning a man described herein as a 'hero from a different time'.

Crater 'the Cup' - Romans referred to the cup constellation as Gratus Iaccho Crater, in honour of their god of wine, Bacchus.

® How New Orleans Became the Birthplace of Jazz - Just what is it about New Orleans that makes it the undisputed birthplace of jazz?

QOTD: incidentally, I'm getting tired of Le Monde calling the Hadron Collider 'La machine à expliquer l'univers' … in their headlines

24 September 2008

A toucan.Tucana, 'the Toucan' - Explorers Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser and Frederick de Houtman identified this constellation.

Somewhere in Time: The Soundtrack - John Barry based his score on Rachmaninov's Rhapsody On A Theme Of Paganini.

® Building a Debris Shelter in the Style of a Squirrel - Squirrel homes are cosy, snug, well-insulated and rain-resistant.

QOTD: I did once tell my children that a gasometer beside the M8 in Glasgow was Disneyland.

25 September 2008

A sextant.Sextans 'the Sextant' - Johannes Hevelius delineated Sextans Uranise to honour his sextant which he used to measure the position of stars.

Tensegrity: And How To Use It To Make A Thing That Goes 'Boink' - Compression, tension and convergent and divergent forces explained.

® The Lascaux Grotto - Located in France's Massif Central mountain range, these are home to some of the world's best Stone Age cave art.

QOTD: You need to be listening to some Bach, young man, to move your soul

26 September 2008

Paul Newman.Paul Newman, Actor and Charity Entrepreneur - He starred in over 50 films in a career which spanned five decades.

Professor Bernice Summerfield - The Science Fiction Series - 'Benny' is a fictional archaeologist born in the 26th Century.

® Evolutionary Advantages of Faith - Neurobiologists think they have identified the brain regions responsible for spiritual experiences.

QOTD: I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous

29 September 2008

A pen and paper.Understanding Literary Plots - It has often been claimed that there are only seven basic plots from which all literary works are derived.

Pyxis, 'the Mariner's Compass' - This constellation lies completely within the Southern Hemisphere of the celestial globe.

® The Broadmoor Siren - Every Monday morning at ten o'clock an air-raid siren disturbs the peace over a large area of leafy Berkshire.

QOTD: And God said "Let there be light" … And there was still nothing - but you could see it.

30 September 2008

A racing motorbike.The North West 200 - Motorbike road race held on the northern coast of Ireland, one of the prettiest race courses in the world.

The Metal Gear Solid Philanthropy Movie Project - Fascinating story about a non-profit spin-off film produced by amateurs.

® Sherlock Holmes - Known the world over as the greatest living detective, he's one of literature's most popular characters.

QOTD: mens fasion lost a lot when we stopped wearing hats, and has lost even more since we started wearing baseball caps


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