Shagbark's New Index

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DON'T PANICA shagbark tree.

My latest personal Space is located at U170775
U100311and my towel is here: ||

This index looks better in Pliny (not a link -SMILEY type="shrug"), unfortunately there is no easy way from old skins to a page on pliny because the engine name "dna/h2g2" will still be added to the URL.

H2G2 Approved1 Articles ( the BBC Years)

by Hickory smiley - space U100311 (William Hubbell)- July 2000 A375400 Antarctica (prior to BBC ownership of h2g2)

by Shagbark U170775 (William Hubbell)
Edited Guide
Approved Entries
Created Changed Remarks
A593606...The Sedgwick Geological Trail, A593606 Oct. '01 --- I was there
A600526Lansing,MI,USOct. '01 May'08, April '10 I live there
A653230...The Big Bang, A653230 Nov. '01 --- Flea Market Rescue
A673535The Calendar in Anno Domini (AD)Feb. '02
A861446Semi Planet Quaoar (AD) Nov. '02
A1087346...Tierra Del Fuego, A1087346 Sep.'03 ... I was there
A1084727Admiral Faddei F BellingshausenJuly '03
See Non-edited list 2004... '04Only Non-Edited work
See Non-edited list 2005... '05Only Non-Edited worksee especially Florida

Connecticut,US May'06
A41427281 Barnard's Star Oct '08
A14538044 Ceres Oct. '06
A12511847William Herchel Aug. '06
A12644066 Alan Freed Aug.'06
A18927859 Heaven-the Christian's Blessed Hope Feb.'07
A23965347Constellation-Ursa MajorJune '07Dec. '08,Sept.'09Flea Market Rescue
A32778516Constellation-Corona BorealisApr.'08Nov'08Flea Market Rescue
A34088240Constellation-ScutumMay '08
A35471892Constellation-Piscus AustrinusJuly'08
A36533577Constellation-Leo MinorJuly'08
A21605889Chief OkemosApril '07
A44719798 The Electoral College of the US Jan '09
A42902318Amerigo VespucciJan. '09
A5069968The Shagbark Tree May '09
A52491387Little RichardJune '09
A55393608Dwarf Planet ErisNov'09
A58369981The Mackinac Bridge Dec. '09
A67976987New Hampshire, US July '10...Flea Market Rescue
A68188747Grand Rapids, MI,US Aug. '10 --- Flea Market Rescue
A71569218Nicolaus Copernicus - Pioneering CosmologistSept.'10
A74312066Oklahoma,US Dec.'10
A82128774Avvakum PetrovichMarch 2011
List continues below under H2G2 New HootooVegetablesSept.2011

H2G2 Articles updated by shagbark
address=====Title of Article.........Original authorDated: Updated 
A143849Michigan bludragonAug.1999 Feb.2011
A79508The Solar System Orinoco, J'au-AemneDec.2000 Feb. 2009
A600526Lansing,MI US
Oct.2001May 2008
A2258575Jimmy Buffett AzadaDec.1999 Oct.2005
A396713Uranus j'au-AemneDec.2000 my updateJune.2006*
* The 2006 update by Shagbark,
the 2009 update by Galaxy Babe.

h2g2 post Shagbarks Poetry archive
my poems listed at A877251465

A69062367Another Decade Has gone by May 2010
A87720041Money Market Blues. Nov 2011
A87728872the Seasonal Savings Carol December 2011
A87761578An East End Operator June 2012
A8776545765-A Birthday Poem July 2012

this is the list under Not Panicking


H2G2 (New Hootoo) Approved Articles

by Shagbark U170775 (William Hubbell)
Edited Guide Created Changed
~~Approved Date or Remarks~~
A87607623...VegetablesSept 2011 November 2011 (Flea Market Rescue)
A87726469...Edible Nuts Sept 2011--- December 2011
A87730374...Lettuce Nov 2011--- January 2012
A87746322...Indiana January 2012--- May 2012
A87770343...The Aral Sea August 2012--- October 2012
A87777373...Henry Ford September 2012--- November 2012
A87796462...Cartoon animators in the US May 2013--- May 2013 (Flea market rescue)


H2G2 Non-Edited Lists
by Shagbark (William Hubbell)
Number DateCreated Name Remarks
A87773179Oct. 2012 --- Henry Ford original
A87768193Aug. 2012 --- Aral Sea original
A87741507Feb 2012 ---Ohio River original
A87718936Nov. 2011 --- Lettuce original
A87493495Nov 2011 ---decade recap 2000-2009 original
A86169270July 2011 --- Nuts original
A70934907June '10 --- US Senator Robert C Byrd original
A45002567May 2009 --- Little Richard original
A39304389 Aug. 2008 --- Brown Dwarfsoriginal
A39536643 Aug 2008 ---Reticulumoriginal
A26596703July 2008 --- Indusoriginal
A36565465June 2008 --- Sunset Songoriginal
A32964230March 2008 --- Americus Vespucci original
A32537720February 2008 --- Dwarf Planet Candidates original
A31583711January 2008 --- Sagittarius original
A23965347June 2001
June 2007 Ursa Major Edited
Flea Market article
A24802869 July 2007---Erisoriginal
A388046Apr. 2005---Petrovich Russian Martyr
A3683315autumn'04June'07 US ElectoralCollegereplacement
A4184327June'04Feb'08 Maroon Tuneoriginal
A3636245feb'05feb'05 Florida original
failed PR twice
A7789341Dec'05----Corona Borealisreplacemet
A946802jan'03feb'03Corona Borealis$ Rev H2g2AS
A946415jan'03feb'03Bootes$Rev 1.4$ h2g2AS
A694668feb'02--Tierra Del FuegoHas sun set?
A780707feb'02--PartyWe Have a Towel!!!
A690662feb'02---Beaux Arts when I was young
A530605Apr 2001---Shagbark botanical
A13455579------Saline MI when I was young
A3855035Apr. 2005---Repent Harlequin Heard at Beaux arts
A660124nov'01unknownJanusan unknown god
A657731nov'01jan'03Proving Ground
A259201feb'00feb'03Hickory Treesincludes shagbark
Also contributed to the following--Stonehenge Smiley New Haven Dwarf Planets .
Edited by Shagbark in 2011The Quite Interesting SocietyQI at A22174526

H2G2 Misc. Non-Shagbark Addenda

Addenda by other researchers:

Photo IndexA20917604
h2g2 PhotosA15846438
H2G2 CalendarA332233
Wind force Twelve abaft the BeamA579684
Front Page ArchiveArchive
Edited ConstellationsA29617824
Full List ConstellationsA31034594
domain definedInternl. domain

An external link of artwork Artwork

1 Otherwise known as edited.
1 Otherwise known as edited.
1 Otherwise known as edited.

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